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Cotopaxi Express: Nugent & Team Check in from Jose Ribas Refugio

Hey Everybody Billy calling in with another dispatch this time for the 4th of July. Happy Independence Day everyone back home! Hope you guys are celebrating properly with barbecues and blowing things up as it typical custom. Not so much of that here in Ecuador. We actually left the Chilcabamba Eco Lodge this morning and headed up to the Jose Ribas Refugio. The team is getting settled in we had a great dinner and we are looking forward to that first rough night at a new elevation. Hopefully the team will do well and make it through the night. Tomorrow we plan to head out and do a little training as we continue to acclimatize and get prepped for our big summit push. We will call and check in tomorrow after our training day and let you know you how we did. Again, Happy Independence Day to everyone back home. RMI Guide Billy Nugent and Team.

Billy Nugent checks in on the 4th of July.

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