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Mt. McKinley: Jones & Team Ready for Summit Push

This morning provided blue bird skies and little to no wind. Though the air was cold at around -5F, the team broke camp, dug a cache and loaded our packs for our summit push. With Okita's team reaching the summit yesterday we once again shared the burden of equipment transportation by swapping some equipment to lighten the load. Okita's team saved some weight for their long descent to the bottom, and more importantly our load was lightened up to high camp. We are thankful for the established camp with wind walls and a ready to go kitchen. The stroke of luck rarely happens as teams do not often come up and down from high camp on the same day. As we have been saying throughout the entire trip "Patience pays" and today it most certainly did. Water boils at a fairly low temperature at this elevation. In fact, you can drink a hot cup of your favorite flavor right out of the boiling pot - a wild first for many team members. A hot dinner and soup re-energized our spirits and warmed our souls. The team is climbing strong and with a little more luck from the weather tomorrow we will make a push for the top of North America to Denali/Mount McKinley's summit at 20,320'. Wish us well for our final push! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

On The Map

Comments (15)

Keep it tight and enjoy the views!
We are proud of you! M&T

Posted by: sHARON on

Nice work Tyler, Larry and all - I hope by now you are savoring the summit experience!
The summit is for the ego - the journey is for the soul. I’m hoping your egos are at a high point - be safe and enjoy as you complete the journey!

Posted by: Tim Halls on

How sweet it is!!  Safe travels to the top!!

Posted by: Christine on

BERNAAIIISEEE!!! Summit that bad boy!! TOFTB!

You’ve got it my man, you’ve got it. Good luck, break an icicle (is that what they say?).



Posted by: Michael on

Great to see that Okita made it up. Now it is your turn. We are pulling for you guys. I expect that your next post will be summit news. How Awesome!

Posted by: Greg on

Almost cheering out loud here in Oklahoma. Go Michael, go team Jones!!!  Hoping the final push was worth every ounce of patience and skill it took you to get here.

Posted by: Cindy on

Tyler, continued success as you ascend to the top of Mt. McKinley! With your skill and expertise, and a bit of good weather it should be another phenomenal trip.

Posted by: Elaine, Pete and Brett on

Lar—Great News, Great Team!!

Posted by: Debby on

Larry, Tyler and gang, good luck, stay safe and enjoy the journey; Larry, there’s another Cuban cigar on the way for you! Ben

Posted by: Ben Alvarez on

Larry and crew:
You have worked hard to get where you are.  Your next! ... remain safe and best of success in climbing to the top! 
Fred K.

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on

GOOD LUCK GUYS! Its what you are there for. Summit or bust.

Posted by: Megan Berge on

Great news!  Very happy to hear the weather cleared up.  Good luck on the summit and the descent!

Posted by: Jarrod Buckley on

Way to go Tyler and team!  So glad the weather let up. Climb to the top MC!

Posted by: Scott on

Wishing you good weather for the rest of your accent so you can reach the top of North America safely. We love you, Ty, Ty. Love Bella and Maddie Drew (and Nicole and Trav).

Posted by: Travis on

I am so relieved to see that the weather is finally collaborating and that you could move up.Almost there!
Courage Nicolas,I am with you!Good luck to all!

Posted by: Louise on

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