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Mt. McKinley: Jones & Team Receive A Big Helping Hand

Today we awoke to 6 inches of new snow at 14k camp. We have continued to eat well. Today our breakfast consisted of egg, cheese and bacon burritos. Over the course of the morning the clouds dissipated and the wind calmed down a little. Eric and I decided to head up and move the cache we previously left at 16k, up to our high camp. We also added an extra food bag and fuel can to our supplies up high. With Brent Okita and team up at high camp for the last several days, waiting for their window to summit, they offered a big helping hand. Thanks Brent, Leon, and Lindsay! Due to high winds in the morning, they volunteered to walk down from high camp and help Eric and me carry our whole cache from 16k to 17k. We can not thank them enough for their help! Our efforts were somewhat tiering, but will allow the team to move more smoothly to 17k when weather allows. Rather than stopping at 16k and schlepping our cache and our full camp kit to 17k, now the team will be able to conserve energy by smoothly moving to 17k. Upon our return to the team at 14k, we discovered that our third guide, Logan, had rebuilt our snow kitchen and cooked up a nice dinner. What a pleasant surprise. The crew is in high spirits and getting anxious to move to higher ground and make a summit attempt in the next few days. The ground work and logistics are in order. We just need a few nice days to execute our plan. We look forward to moving into more inhospitable environments and nearing the top of North America. Our careful planning has paid off and all our ducks are in a row. The team had a nice moral boost with an afternoon reading of all the positive vibes from the blog comments. Thank you all! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

On The Map

Comments (10)

We certainly enjoy the blog updates.  Hope the weather cooperates soon!  Michael, our thoughts are with you and all the others.  Love, Mom & Dad

Posted by: Eual/Paula Conditt on

We are enjoying the blog. It makes us feel like we can almost talk to you. Wishing you a successful trip Jeff/dad/team. We are cheering you on. Love Debbie, Andrew, and Madison

Posted by: Debbie Boskind on

You can do all things through Him who gives you strength.  Rolf, your kiddos are still saying Go Daddy go,,  All is fine. Julie’s in Cleveland   Walk safely. We love you.  We feel good reading about your team and the preparations you are making.  Safety in numbers.

Posted by: Martha snyder on

Great team work. Heart warming to see teams helping each other despite one have to wait so patiently for a weather window to open up. Good luck to all and climb safe

Posted by: Arvind Raghu on

Wishing you guys good weather and a safe trip up to the summit!

Posted by: Megan Berge on

Casey & Jones Team:  Hoping for good clear weather so you can climb to the top of North America. Be safe and wishing for great climbing!!!

Posted by: Arthur G Leake on

Great team work! Now that the ducks are in a row, just got to move them to the summit!! Pace and Patience!! Lots of safe and warm thoughts from sunny Cincy!

Posted by: Jenn on

Great work folks!!! Way to work together for the betterment of all the teams! Another good reason to climb with RMI! Here’s hoping for a great weather window and a safe and clear summit day. Enjoy the journey you are getting close!!

Posted by: Paul K on

Great work - sounds like y’all are crushing it! Sending the positive vibes from Montucky…Keep it up, stay safe, stay warm and send it!

Posted by: Garrett on

It it good to hear that everything is in order.  As family and friends following the blogs anxiously, it is reassuring that the group is in the hands of very competent guides. Thank you Tyler and team.
Hey Bro (Chris), hope you are keeping well and having the experience of a lifetime. Take lots of pictures.
May Denali be a good host to all of you and provide a safe passage to the summit.
Godspeed to a successful summit and safe return.

Posted by: John on

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