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Mt. McKinley: Jones & Team Enjoy Rest at 14,000’

Today was our second day of sleeping in on the trip; it proved to be just as enjoyable as the first. Here in Ganet Basin at 14k, the looming upper mountain of Denali blocks the sun from hitting camp until mid morning. Our group stayed in sleeping bags until the sun's first rays hit our tents. This place is like a desert, when the sun is behind the mountain it's freezing and when the sun is out, it's miserably hot. Once we were up, we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast that lasted nearly until lunch. Here at 14 camp, we are situated in the outskirts of a village of tents. While we are content resting in the shade, others are not. People can be seen and heard at nearly all hours of the day. We see snowball fights as well as people playing hacky-sack and making elaborate castles of snow blocks. High winds and low visibility have plagued the upper mountain for the last few days, keeping many teams from moving uphill. The result is a large group of restless people around camp. While others sit crossing their fingers and rationing food, we are sitting pretty. Because our team has moved efficiently thus far, we are simply enjoying the rest, acclimatizing and getting stronger every day. We are in a great position and look forward to carrying to 17k when we get a chance. We remain optimistic that the weather and wind on the upper mountain will subside. The team says hello to all our friends and family following along on the blog. RMI Guide Tyler Jones

On The Map

Comments (8)

Chris and friends I am sure you are enjoying the expiriance up there as always. Best wishes for good weather ahead and safe climbing, mean while enjoy the
rest. Good job with the updates Tyler.
Thank you

Posted by: voula likourgiotis on

Thank you so much for the updates Tyler!
Go Nicolas Go!
Hope you are all having a wonderful time.
Keep safe.

Posted by: Louise on

Best wishes to the entire team and keep up with your safe travel. Hugs to my brother, Larry S.

Debbie & Mark Worden

Posted by: Debbie Worden on

Casey and Jones team:  Hoping for good weather and great climbing. Also hope you are have a wonderful adventure!

Posted by: Arthur G Leake on

Michael hope you are having the time of your life. I can only imagine the beauty and challenge you are experiencing stay strong and enjoy every moment!  You are missed during training days but I am keeping with the plan!  IMCA awaits us!

Posted by: Scott on

Good things come to those who wait, praying for nice weather for you all….... miss you Chris, xo

Posted by: Susan on

Thanks for posting! Hope the weather clears up soon.

Posted by: Megan Berge on

Go Logan and team!  Love your dispatches.  Can’t even imagine, but enjoy trying.  Be safe!  Love,  elfe

Posted by: elfe on

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