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MT. McKinley: Nugent & Team Arrive at Kahiltna Base Camp

Hey there, it's, Billy calling just wanted to give you guys an update and let you know where the crew is. After our summit day we descended from 17 down to the 14 camp and ended up spending the night there. Then got an early this morning and made the march all the way to base camp. Right now, everybody is sitting pretty at Kahiltna base. We have set up the tents. It is kind of socked in and cloudy so we are just hoping for planes at some point tomorrow morning. Forecast is kind of iffy so,we’ll see. We may be sitting here for a couple of days. But everyone is down safe and sound. So, will call and check in again one more time when we get back to town and off the mountain. RMI Guide Billy Nugent

RMI Guide Billy Nugent checks in from Kahiltna Base Camp.

Comments (4)

I want to congratulate you and your team on successfully summitting Mount McKinley.  No matter what hemisphere you are adventuring ... you seem to make it all the way to the top.  Congratulations!  What’s next?! 
Fred Klingbeil
Aconcaqua (January 2012)

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on

Hi- Bran and team..
U must have had been so thrilled when u reach the summit!! I know I was so thrilled and so was Dad, I think I txted and called everyone.. Now it time for u and the team to celebrate!!! Thanks Bill Nugent, u r a awesome Guide..
Love Mom & Dad

Posted by: beverly bailey on

  Elizabeth and fellow team members.  Again, so very proud of you all.  welcome back to base camp.  Keep fingers crossed you get some better weather ( gee always waiting for the weather to change ) so you can get to the nearest shower and have a celebration meal and drink.  Again you did it, your biggest dream came true you were all at the top of the world.  Can’t wait to see the pictures and videos and hear your experiences.  Hugs and love to everyone,  Elizabeth you still keep us on our toes.So proud of you Mom & Dad

Posted by: Maureen Bartron on

AG, I am so proud of you and the entire team on this trip. I hope the weather will clear and you all can get back to town for showers and good meals and a phone call home.

Posted by: chris chase on

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