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Mt. McKinley: Okita and Team Rest at 14,000’

Breakfast was early this morning as the night was fairly warm and if we were to make a carry we wanted to not be caught up in the sometimes crowded scene that happens on the fixed ropes later in the day. But a quick survey of how everyone was doing at breakfast confirmed our suspicion that the day would be better spent resting and fortifying our camp from windy, nasty weather that can happen at any time. After all, we'd been going strong for six days straight. So, we enjoyed a leisurely meal of western omelette, bacon and bagels, followed by some warm pop tarts. And the best part of the morning was when Roberto Pellegrino took over and started turning out some killer pancakes leftover from another days breakfast. The morning amounted to a relaxed time just enjoying each others company. But of course my mind is always spinning and after my third hot drink I thought it might be worthwhile to at least get some food up to our high camp, and perhaps even see our friends Billy, Geoff and Gilbert. So, off Lindsay and I went. It was her first time actually on the Buttress itself, and it made for a fun trip. And visiting with our other team at 17,200' was great too. Tomorrow we plan on all climbing up the fixed ropes and on to the Buttress. How far we just don't know. But, we'll be sporting nice light packs, a very welcome change for us all. We'll be in touch tomorrow night as long as we get back early enough. Brent, Leon and Lindsay

On The Map

Comments (2)

Way to go Elizabeth, Brandi, and the rest of your team.  The photos are absolutely stunning. We miss you here but are glad you’re having a wonderful adventure!

Love, Victoria

Posted by: Victoria Bailey on

Doug and Audrey, we’ve enjoyed following your journey and wish you well.  I hope you’re having a blast and enjoying a look at life “from the top”.  Much love.


Posted by: Sue Rusch on

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June 1, 2012

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