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Mt. McKinley: Nugent & Team Enjoy a Rest Day

A rest day! Yay! We did such amazing things as sleeping in, more turbo tanning, sport eating, walking out to the Edge of the World, more sport eating, fixed line practice, and packing for tomorrow's carry up the fixed lines. Per the norm, the team is in good spirits but perhaps a bit anxious for tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be in and out for the extended forecast so we are planning to stick to our schedule until we are forced to wait. Hoping for a great day tomorrow, once we get this cache in we will be on standby for good weather and hopefully pulling the trigger on our move to high camp and subsequent summit push... RMI Guide Billy Nugent and friends

On The Map

Comments (12)

Hello GRD from AOMS in Tucson Arizona. We are thinking of you and tracking your progress. Your almost to the top!!! WooHoo!!! Looking forward to the Summit pictures, stories and your safe return!
Enjoy every moment!!! :)

Posted by: Robin Alexander on

Hi Donny.  We are so proud of you.  The whole family in St Louis is following your team’s progress.  Uncle Jim

Posted by: Jim on

Hi Mom and Brandi and everyone else. Happy memorial day! Dad and I are going on a bike ride today. Hope you have or had depending on the time you read this a good rest day! Bye!

Posted by: Sheena on

OH my,  I think my heart beats 10 extra times with every step you are taking.  Keep your spirits high and your boots tucked in. Happy Memorial Day to everyone, stay strong and keeping my fingers crossed that the weather cooperates Onward to 17,200
All this love and hugs will get the team to the summit.
xoxoxoxo Mom and Dad

Posted by: Maureen Bartron on

gm bran
dad is really enjoying me reading to him from the blog, lol.
stay safe,enjoy your day of rest..
love u
mom & dad (((HUGS)))

Posted by: beverly bailey on

  Go Elizabeth. I’m impressed & proud of you. Good luck team. Have a good day.  Uncle Glenn.

Posted by: Glenn Bartron on

Keep it up babe, almost getting there! You must be pumped for it. Hope you enjoy the rest day and fill up energy for the big moment. Just so you have a little update of the world down here, my grades that came up until now were pretty good. And I got the flowers on Thursday night, it REALLY surprised me! You are the best. Missing you a ton Donny, wish you were here now, but you will be soon! Love you and go for it Banks! haha

Posted by: Tatiane on

Brando! What is this sport eating Billy speaks of? Matt and I are in SC with family - snow would melt here, just in case you were wondering - but we ate some Meximelts. Let’s just say if pooping were a sport, we’d win today. Anywho and stuff, miss you like crazy and Matt misses his Trivial Pursuit partner. Wish you all warm and a continued successful ascent. I’ve heard warmth is a state of mind, but if you do not feel your limbs that is probably real and you should seek a Flux Capacitor a.s.a.p.


Posted by: Brad Bailey on

We are having so much fun tracking you all. So inspirational to say the least. Elizabeth we are so proud of you and hope you enjoy every step. We hope your feet feel light, your giggles carry you up the mt. and my ‘online’ hug keeps you warm. Sending tons of love! Marie, Luke & Cassidy

Posted by: Marie on

for team member Lindsay Mann! Greetings! Hope all is well with you. It is exciting to write to you while you and your team members prepare for the final goal to the top! Best of luck and best wishes. Love you. GT and GN

Posted by: Nick and TillieMedevid on

Enjoy the day off! We are really excited that you are on the verge of moving up and towards the ultimate goal. Back home things are certainly not as exciting as ‘The Edge of the World’ - a cold Memorial Weekend… oh and Golden Gate Bridge turned 75 today.  Elizabeth - we love you so much and miss you and area really proud. Much love also to Brandi, guides and entire team.

Posted by: Peter, Sherman and Bailey on

Billy -
I suggest you include a description of the photos you post.  I know what I’m looking at but there are probably some people who don’t.

Posted by: Larry Seaton on

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