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Mt. Everest Expedition: Team Begins Summit Bid

This is Dave Hahn calling down from Camp 2 on Mt. Everest. Finally! We are out of Basecamp and on our summit bid. We had a great morning coming up. The climbing route is actually in pretty good condition. The ice fall is scary as ever but the Ice Fall Doctors have been doing a good job and we got through in pretty quick time. It was a beautiful morning nice and clear and calm. The mountain is quieting down a little bit. There were a lot of Sherpas carrying loads down today for expeditions that were finished. So the mountain is quieting down and we think that is a hopeful sign for us. The forecast is coming together and there are still a few teams still around that are on the same time frame as us. We have been comparing notes. Things are going pretty well. Our Sherpa team is going to come up tomorrow to ABC. We are going to rest tomorrow and get ready for the Lhotse Face and moving to Camp 3 the following day. We are pretty optimistic. We are all feeling really good right now and we are going to keep you informed. RMI Guide Dave Hahn

RMI Guide Dave Hahn checks in from Camp 2.

On The Map

Comments (6)

I’ll be thinking about you guys, be safe.

Posted by: Cesar Armestar on

Dave and Melissa:

Just heard the news of crowding in the death zone and subsequent loss of life this past weekend.  So glad to read the blog and to be assured all is well with you both.  Have fun and be safe.  Can’t wait to read about your successful return.


Posted by: Josephine Johnson on

Kent - learned of your adventure by chance but so thankful to be able to now follow.  Big scare in the news today and i pray that your entire team is safe.  You are inspiration for all of us city-locked people.  its too late tonight but tomorrow but i will show this to my kids and drill it into their brains; the world is a precious wonder and thanks to you we are catching a glimpse.  Congratulations.  i wish i was there to give you all a big toast.  M

Posted by: Marty O Adams on

Good climbing for all of you! Kent, can’t wait to hear about your expidition so have a safe and awesome climb!

Posted by: Jason on

Dave and Melissa….It’s so exciting to hear about your progress. It is way too much for me but you are very impressive. I will stick to Rainier! I applaud you!!! Best of luck to you!!!! God be with You!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

I’m so excited for you all! Happy Trails ...Prayers that she will smile on you all the way to the top !


May she smile on you all!! all the way to the top!! Many prayers for your safety….:) Judy




Posted by: judy Dahl on

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