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Mt. Everest Expedition: The Waiting Game

Resting at Base Camp is a little bit of a deceptive phrase. It is 17,300 feet, and rest (even after weeks spent here) is hard to come by. The more days we spend here, the less restful it seems. But waiting and patience have always been part of the Everest climbing season. It is a gentle reminder that we are here climbing on the mountain's terms rather then our own. And the terms are dynamic. We have been looking closely at the weather every day, while also watching the conditions on the upper mountain slowly evolve into something more favorable for our summit bid. Yesterday our climbing Sherpa headed up to Camp 2, with their sights set on getting the higher camps built. I just heard the fast Nepali words come over the radio; they are back safely at Camp 2 after building a suitable Camp 3. It is all shaping up, but of course for us, this means only a flicker of light in the tunnel of a summit push. There is still a considerable amount of resting and waiting to be done. So now it is slow days of rebuilding our Base Camp tent platforms, card games, books and walks around the area. The team is doing well, everyone is happy and thankful to be waiting at the feet of a giant and watching carefully for the right time to climb. RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (3)

Wishing you a safe summit, keep up the good work!

Posted by: Kalen Middleton on

thanks for the update, Dave.

zachary zaitzeff

Posted by: zachary zaitzeff on

Patience and preparation will get you all there.  Remember, the mountains don’t care…but we all do!  Sending you all well wishes for a safe summit in the coming days and a little sanity while you wait it out:)

Posted by: D. Arnot on

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