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Alaska Seminar: New Snow Fitting for Today’s Training Session

This morning we woke to more snow on the Kahiltna Glacier. Over 7 inches of snow fell over night and the snow continued throughout the day. The beauty of the Alaskan Range continues to impress us all. Today's training session involved the fitting topic of avalanches. We had avalanche rescue scenarios where we learned how to manage the scene of an accident, how to come up with a plan and how to execute that plan. During our time here on the glacier we have seen some very exciting and impressive Alaskan-sized avalanches, from a safe distance. We continued with our crevasse rescue technical skills training this afternoon. Everyone is grasping these concepts very well with an eagerness and excitement to learn. We shall see what the weather brings us as that dictates so much of life in the mountains. Ciao, RMI Guide Jason Thompson

Comments (2)

Yeah, by the looks of the picture, you are all sitting around basking in the sunshine! Speaking of cocktails, I just had 2 strawberry margaritas myself, Honey! Too bad you aren’t here to partake!(Are we allowed to talk dirty on this blog??!!!) LOL! Feeling a little frisky!!! Can’t wait to see you Baby! Big Hug!

Posted by: Mary Kay on

Great to hear you are all doing well playing in the snow.  Jason, how about a group shot of the team so we know you aren’t all sitting in a hot spring somewhere with a cocktail?  Actually, I am sure you all could use a hot spring and a cocktail (or 5) right about now.  Have fun, be safe.  Brady, we can’t wait to make fun of your beard and squeeze the juice out of you!  xoxoxo Janie

Posted by: Jane O'Mara on

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