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Cotopaxi Express: Team Readies for Summit Climb

Hello everybody back home, this is Casey Grom checking in from the RMI Cotopaxi trip. We wanted to let you know that we're all here just below 16000’ at the Cotopaxi hut. We had a nice morning, a great breakfast with some eggs, cereal and yogurt and a nice relaxing start to the day. We went for a short walk, about 45 minutes, up to where we could access the glacier. We spent about 2 hours reviewing some of the techniques that are going to be applicable for tonight's climb. Everyone seems to be doing great. The weather's been a bit in and out today, some snow and a little bit of light rain. And currently we are kind of socked in a cloud but not much precipitation. The team has just finished dinner and we had a little pre- summit climb chat. Everyone is off to bed right now. So, our plan is to try to get up and leave about 12:30 and hopefully will reach the summit just after sunrise. If we get the opportunity we will try to give a call from the summit. And if not, we will certainly give a call as soon as we return back to the hut. Thanks for following, and we will talk to you guys later on. RMI Guide Casey Grom

RMI Guide Casey Grom checks in from 16,000' on Cotopaxi.

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