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Vinson Massif: Hanging Out at Basecamp

Not so much to report today besides a good brunch and a fine dinner. Thick fog and cloud blanketed Vinson basecamp for much of the day. This made things predictably cool outside the tents and it was difficult to walk anywhere without feeling a touch of vertigo in the all-encompassing white-out. No news about the availability of aircraft either. Obviously not an urgent matter with the clouds glued into the Branscomb Glacier. Still, Vlado, TA, Mindy and I all enjoyed the day and will always remember where we were for the South Pole centennial. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (2)

Following you closly Vlado, thanks to Dave’s exelent reporting. Amazing,amazing, father is watching over you and we all are very proud of your achievments.
Stay safe for the rest of the expedition.
Cheers Maria, Lumir a Patrick

Posted by: Maria on

So proud of you Mindy.  thinking about you everyday and your achievement.  Can’t wait to see all the glorious pictures.  You stay safe and know you are in our thoughts.  Missing you - but happy you are enjoying the challenge and sights. Love, Suz xoxo

Posted by: suzanne de maio on

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