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Mt. McKinley Expedition: Hahn & Team at 7,800’

This is Dave Hahn calling from 7,800’ on Mt. McKinley…still. We had another night of clouds and snow last night so we couldn't get our early start and walk out. Then the rest of the day was pretty much socked in and white as well. It is now 8:30 in the evening and it is snowing hard again. So we're still sitting waiting for our chance to make a break for the air strip. It was a long day and a quiet day today. No airplanes were flying overhead it seemed like there was storm all around and at all levels. But we're doing alright. Everybody is fed and dry and in their sleeping bags now. RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (1)

Sending positive vibes for the weather to cooperate to make your decent to the airstrip.  Will have longer to plan the homecoming celebrations.  love Dinah and Sue

Posted by: dinah rogers on

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