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Mt. McKinley: Hahn & Team - High Hopes, Low Camps

7800' Kahiltna Glacier We had high hopes this morning at 14 Camp. The sky was clear and although we could see signs of wind up high on Denali's South Peak, we believed we could finally get up to 17,200'. At least we felt that enthusiasm until just after breakfast when I used the satellite phone to track down the weather forecast. It called for snow. It actually called for lots of snow... Like 30 inches in the next 24 hours. This was difficult information to reconcile with the sparkling blue sky and brilliant sunshine we were then enjoying. And it was particularly hard to reconcile such a possibility of big snow with our diminished food supplies. I gathered the team and gave them the hard conclusion the four guides had reached: we could not go up with such a prediction on our 17th day of a 22 day trip. If the forecast were even half right, we'd be trapped at 17,000 ft waiting for avalanche conditions to stabilize and by the time we were on our way down the mountain we wouldn't have enough food to deal with any further setbacks to our progress. In mid-July with no Park Service personnel on the mountain and with no well-worn track in the snow and with plentiful crevasse puzzles to solve down low on the glacier, we needed to anticipate further challenges to our descent of the mountain. We could no longer look up the hill. In fact, we couldn't even sit at 14 Camp long enough to see if the dire snow predictions came true since such a snowfall would set up a significant avalanche hazard threatening our route down to 11,000'. It was a tough thing then to let go of our summit ambitions while the sun was shining and while we still had food and fuel and while the remaining teams on the mountain reached seemingly opposite conclusions as to how to deal with the storm. But we packed up anyway and started carefully down the mountain. Ever so slowly, the clouds moved in, but we still had great views from Windy Corner and excellent traveling conditions down through 11 camp. It got a bit murky and mushy as we pushed down onto the main Kahiltna Glacier and we needed to be careful of sagging snow bridges on the crevasses of Ski Hill, but that all worked out fine. In just over six hours we reached 7800' and called a halt to the day's march. Time for dinner and some rest in our tents. The glacier surface is soft, soggy and not terribly supportive and the light is flat... Not ideal conditions for taking on complicated crevasse fields. We ate dinner and got in our tents as the snow began to fall. Our focus is now on completing the final push to the airstrip, but on our terms -when conditions are favorable. RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (7)

To Dave and the team, Sending warm wishes for a safe return down the mountain. I have infinite thanks to Dave and the team for maintaining safety as the number one priority. To all of the climbers (especially John M)- we are all so proud of you. Though your summit bid plans had changed, I am inspired by the journey you took to get there. I can imagine this being a memorable experience for each and everyone of you. I applaud you all for your inspiring patience, outstanding discipline, and stellar persistence in moving up Mount McKinley. Cheers to you all!!

Posted by: Jennifer on

Dear Daddy and Dave and team
We know you weren’t just there to tick off a box we know that you were just there to have fun!!!!!!You’re the best dad ever and you’re very brave
                              From Claire and Sietse

Posted by: Claire and Sietse on

Spencer…...I’m glad y’all are safe.  The images are awesome…..this must be the experience of a lifetime.  Remember “Let Love Rule!”. Haha.  Be safe….kel

Posted by: Kelly newbolt on

Like Lou says, “Sometimes you eat the mountain and sometimes the mountain eats you.”  Safety is all that matters, and a safe trip is a successful trip.  Take care.

Posted by: Joe on

To Dave and team - I can identify completely with how you all feel.  I had a similar experience in 2007.  It’s both disappointing and a relief at the same time to be heading home, yet you’ll take with you a 3 week experience that few people have despite not summiting.  The weather determines everything and the right decision was made.  The mountain will always be there and you’ll all carry these memories forever.  Enjoy a well earned celebration at the West Rib.
Tim Jones
McKinley 2007 & 2009

Posted by: Tim Jones on

A ride of a lifetime for all of you.  We are so proud of your decisions and your endurance.  Lots of stories to hear.  Good luck with final decent over the glacier to the basecamp and fly home soon.  loving you Wayne, Dinah and Sue

Posted by: dinah rogers on

this expedition was still very exciting to follow despite conditions not allowing you to summit. hoping for all of you to be safe as you continue your descent.

Posted by: michelle on

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