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Mt. McKinley Expedition: Mallory & Team Secure Camp at 14,000”

With more snow falling throughout the night and a cloudy obscured morning here at 14 Camp, we spent our 4th of July parked here at 14 Camp. The snow let up by mid morning and we spent a few hours touching up camp after all of the snow. The big snow walls we have around our tents do a great job breaking the wind but make clearing the tents a challenge as all the snow needs to be thrown up and over them. Once the tent area is cleared of the new snow we set about snugging up the guy lines and tent anchors that secure the tent in place, crucial points in case the winds pick up to keep the tents from blowing away. Turning our attention to the kitchen, we spent some time reworking our benches and cooking counters out of the snow. The kitchen is a big circular pit dug into the snow with benches and flat counters dug into the edges with a round teepee like nylon tent that covers it. After a few days of use everything begins to melt out so it took a couple of hours of shoveling and chopping through the ice to reform everything in there. With camp squared away we dove into a serious session of knot tying, spending the better part of the afternoon practicing the basic as well as more elaborate mountaineering and climbing knots. The weather has slowly cleared throughout the day and looks to be improving, a great trend for us. We are looking at the possibility of moving to high camp either tomorrow or Wednesday, depending on the weather and a few logistics we need to coordinate with Mike Haugen's RMI team which will hopefully be descending tomorrow. Happy 4th too everyone back home, we hope you're enjoying the barbecues and fireworks! RMI Guide Linden Mallory

Comments (5)

Hey dad its Nick, have been having computer issues so I haven’t been able to check up too much. Looks like you guys are doing well. I hope the trip continues to be somewhat smooth, and I hope you’re having a blast! Love you lots!!


Posted by: Nick Marini on

Linden, your descriptions of camp are wonderful!  It is nice to start the day knowing you are all hanging in there. 

Kitty and I are holding down the home fort…all is well.

Posted by: laurie Colaneri on

We are hoping that the weather was as good at Camp 14 as it was for those at Camp 17.  Waiting to hear news that you guys were able to move on up.  Good luck on your summit bid in the near future.  We continue to pray for you.

Posted by: John and Lorraine on

I know Will missed out on the crab feast back home but the flowers were a very big hit and earned points with all the women-folk. You were all remembered at the Clifton Prayer Group thim morning. Smooth sailing!

Posted by: Chris on

Woke up to the news of the Haugen team summit. Yahoo! Happy for them and your team as well - hope this makes your coordination easier and smooths the way for your summit bid. Good luck today guys.

Posted by: Laurie M on

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