Mt. McKinley Expedition: Haugen and Team Wait Another Day
Hello from Mt. McKinley.
We woke up early this morning to clear skies and no wind at 14k Camp. Elias and I got all dressed, left the tent, and took a look at the ridge at 17,000'. There were huge cloud plumes flowing over the ridge and spiraling into the sky; an obvious indicator of weather no bueno. Given the recent snows up high and the high winds, we decided to sit it out a day and give it a go tomorrow if weather cooperates. The forecast calls for improving weather trends, so we should be in position when it gets "nice". The weather did actually turn out to be pretty nice today, so no need to send Joe Horiskey any harassing emails!
We will check in again soon.
RMI Guide Mike Haugen
More to Explore
Mt. McKinley Expedition: Mallory & Team at 11,000’
June 29, 2011
June 30, 2011
Comments (3)
Thanks for all the blogs. Keep up the good work!! What a way to celebrate the 4th. Stay safe.
Posted by: Hickey family on
Elias, I was so sad to miss your call yesterday. Had the phone off for the Bravo concert. Hope you can try again before the plane leaves for Spain on Friday morning. Suerte con todo. Te echo de menos.
Posted by: Bridget on
go papa go! sending good vibes to the weather gods.
Posted by: yashu on