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Mt. McKinley Expedition: Okita “Awaiting Clarity”

The first plane got out over an hour ago with Leon, Clay, Steve, Hao and Sergey. Two other planes came in to take two other groups out then returned minutes later, unable to safely get out because of clouds that came in to obscure visibility out of the mountains. As I began this we were still hopeful that planes would fly, but since then we have put up tents as it has now started to snow. Could this be the front forecasted to come in? In many ways this has been the most difficult part of the trip for some. The dashed hopes, uncertainty, and expectanct waiting. People may get angry with pilots' decisions, or even guide services' decisions on what flight company to do business. But all that seems so trite and inconsequential when the realities of the situation are understood. These pilots work under such pressures to get people in and out under sometimes very adverse conditions, and i'd rather they be just a little conservative with my life, as well as those of my clients. Hearing stories of 'other' pilots ducking into and out of holes does not inspire me to any great degree. Besides, getting 'stuck' here on the Kahiltna Glacier, one of the most beautiful places in the world, with Mt Hunter towering over us just 10 minutes away, and Foraker just across the way, 10,000' above us, seems to me OK. Since composing the above we've spent a restful day in the tent. Some 'quality tent time.' A thing we've not had in abundance on this trip. And tonight we've joined with the half of Tyler Jones' group that got flown in for a fun and entertaining dinner in the Posh tent. Would I rather be in Talkeetna right now? Perhaps. But times like this evening remind why I love my job. Getting to know new folks, laughing at ourselves, and sharing with others. I guess I'm OK with being 'stuck on the mountain.' RMI Guides Brent and Maile

Comments (2)

I don’t care how long it takes to get off the glacher just be happy you are all safe and that the piolts are making the right decissions.  Just make the best of it, in a few months you will be wishing you were back up there.  Have fun Maile and all

xoxo love Mom

Posted by: ginny myers on

Brent, thank you so much for your wise decisions regarding our loved ones.  I appreciate that.  Zac we miss you so much and we can’t wait to see you when you get safely off the mountain.  Love you, M, T & B

Posted by: mary candelario on

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