Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Descend to 11,200’
This mornings attempt to summit with Clay ended as thoughts of family and a safe return home overwhelmed any ambition to tag a summit that, by this time in the expedition, seemed somewhat less important than the experience of the trip as a whole.
So, on the return back to 17,200' we decided to break camp and get off the upper mountain. By that time clouds were building and the winds started getting stronger. Our descent down the Buttress went smoothly even as snow and clouds increased. I was impressed with how the skill level of these climbers had so dramatically improved in the short time we had been climbing together.
At 14,200' camp we were greeted by RMI Guides Adam and Andres of the RMI West Rib trip, who, along with several other guides and climbers, congratulated the team on slipping in the summit before the big change in weather.
So, now here we are at 11,200' camp where we've picked up our cache from a week ago. The RMI Team lead by Walter Hailes is camped here and helped us out tremendously, allowing us to eat a quick dinner in their place and fill water bottles. We are now trying to get a few hours of sleep before waking up at 2:00 am to make our final descent to Kahiltna basecamp. We're getting on a nighttime schedule and traveling on glaciers frozen by the night's colder temperatures which are safer and less liable to collapse under a climbers weight.
But, we are in a race of sorts to get to the airstrip on the SE fork of the Kahiltna before the next weather system arrives. So, goodnight again as we turn in to catch a couple of hours of shut eye.
RMI Guides Brent, Leon and Maile
Comments (6)
Roger, can’t wait to hear about the whole trip and see the pictures since I’m climbing vicariously through you and your team. Way to go everybody!
Posted by: Renee on
Tsiom, From what I undesrstand you guys are waiting for the fight weather to get out of the base camp. Cant wait to see you back home!!!
Posted by: Marina on
Hi Stephen,
GOT ADRENELINE??? Send me photos - XO Cousin Jean
Posted by: Jean McDonnell on
be carful coming down yournot home yet. I will keep my fingers crossed for the weather to hold. What an incredable team you all are. Congratulation
love you Mai, xoxo mom
Posted by: ginny myers on
Where is Frank?
Posted by: Carole on
HW: I’m really impressed with the camaraderie of the guides/climbers on your team and among different RMI teams on the mountain. Please be careful for the remainder of the descent. Love- F
Posted by: F on