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Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Enjoy a Rest Day

Sleeping in has never felt better! Today there were no calls for hots while the temps outside hovered near the 0 degree mark. We got up when the sun warmed up the inside of the tent and the frost on the tent walls and ceilings started dripping on our foreheads. Today was a day to linger over our brunch of smoked salmon, bagels and cream cheese. Have a third cup of something, and just relax. Yes, at one point we did feel obliged to fortify camp as all smart climbers would, but many hands made for short work of this chore. We also hosted our successful RMI team led by Billy and Solveig to some fine bacon and cheese bagels. These guys were on their way down the mountain to catch a plane off the glacier. So far the weather looks good for us to move camp up to 17,200'. We're all excited for the move, seeing how it will put us in great position to finally make our summit bid. We'll try to catch you tomorrow for an update, but given the tremendous amount of work we have in store, it may be delayed. Good night, RMI Guides Brent, Leon and Maile

Comments (7)

I hope this is the right team! I wanted to give a shout out to Frank Saunders! I am watching progress here in Memphis at Armstrong! What an incredible experience! So proud of you! Have fun and can’t wait to hear all about the details when you get back!

Posted by: Monica on

sounds you you all had a great deserved day of rest.  Maile I know how much you like to have your nap so I hope you got one in.  Hope the weather holds for you guys Miss ya girl xoxo Mom

Posted by: ginny myers on

Will says hello to Frank!

Posted by: Carole&Will; on

Sounds like a nice relaxing day - I am sure you all need it. The weather down here is starting to feel like a real summer. Dina calls every day and asks about your climb. I also keep your parents in the loop after every post. My Mom came over for the holiday and is keeping me on track with all the things I absolutely need to do. I check this blog very often as you may guess. Please please please be careful. Slow and steady wins the race. Love you very much!

Posted by: Marina on

HW - sounds like a relaxing day on the mountain and you’re enjoying my favorite breakfast food of bagel/smoked salmon/cream cheese. Took BB to the Botanic Garden today and we even saw some flamengo performance. Hope you have good weather for the move to 17,200. Keep it up! Love, F

Posted by: F on

May the sun continue to shine on you happy trekking

Posted by: Lil Hammarstrom on

Brent, Sounds like things are going well! I hope the weather holds.  Thinkin about you, Love Julie

Posted by: Julie on

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