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Mt. McKinley: Brent Okita & Team at 9,600’

The weather cooperated today allowing us to finally take in the incredible views to be had on the Kahiltna glacier. Which was nice given that we opted to make a single carry up to our camp at 9600', and at least the views helped distract us from carrying loads that were heavy beyond belief. But we all made it to camp by mid afternoon, appreciative of the fact that this was to be our last single carry for the trip. From here on, we'll be making double carries, that is, making two trips to every camp we establish and carrying only half our loads at a time. Tomorrow we'll be moving up to 11,200' and establishing camp there, but we'll leave a fair amount of our food, fuel and assorted other personal equipment not needed for the next couple of days here at 9,600'. We'll pick this gear up the day after tomorrow. This will allow us to spend longer acclimatizing at 11,200' in preparation for our move later in the week to 14,200' camp. Leon, Maile and I were impressed by the group yet again as they took to the job of getting camp set up like pros. And this after a grueling day's climb. What a great team. We are all looking forward to getting up to 11,200' tomorrow! RMI Guide Brent Okita

On The Map

Comments (5)

Mai, I love you, mom

Posted by: ginny myers on

Hi Mai and all,

Sounds like things are going well.  Will keep my fingers crossed that the wind will die down.  Lindo made it!!!!  isn’t that great…  Be safe and have fun xoxo mom

Posted by: ginny myers on

HW- Great job getting through a hard day reaching 9600. Hope it was easier to 11,200 today. Take good care of yourself. I bet the chocolate brownie tastes so good now! Love, F

Posted by: F on

So glad to hear from the team and your progress to 9600’.  Keep it up! I’ll pray for good weather to get higher on that mountain.

Posted by: Linda on

Awesome job! Looks like all that preparation is paying off. It is raining here in NJ so luckily I have not had to water the plants Haha Everyone is saying Hi. Love you Hru

Posted by: Marina on

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