Mt. McKinley: Nugent & Garhart Check in from Camp 4
This is Solveig and Billy checking in for our team here at Camp 4. This morning we awoke to improving conditions but still not good enough to make our carry up the fixed lines. We have been enjoying sunny skies and light winds down here in camp. Social hour began after breakfast and we've spent the better part of the day getting to know our neighbors here in camp. We also spent some time getting rigged up and practicing for the fixed lines and running belays.
We hope the night will bring decreasing winds and we will be able to head uphill tomorrow.
RMI Guides Solveig Garhart and Billy Nugent
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Mt. McKinley: Brent Okita & Team at 9,600’
May 22, 2011
Comments (1)
hi daddy and good luck. we have seen your web site!
Posted by: erin and brooke saunders on