Mt. Everest Expedition: Dave’s Thirteenth Everest Summit
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Categories: Expedition Dispatches Everest

RMI Guide Dave Hahn summits Mt. Everest for a Record Thirteenth Time. On May 20th, 2011, Dave Hahn, Linden Mallory and their Sherpa team stood on the summit of Mt. Everest on a clear and beautiful day. Congratulations!
The team has safely returned to Everest Base Camp.
Comments (11)
Congratulations to everyone. I was disappointed that Sara and her dad didn’t summit but she has a whole lifetime to try again. I’m glad you’re back to Base Camp.
Posted by: Sue Eilers on
Hi Dave….and hi there LINDEN! Congrats to Dave on #13…but a special high five to Linden for #1 on Everest. Very happy for you.
Steve from Team Kuwaz- Kilimanjaro
Posted by: Steve di Costanzo on
Congratulations all around. Linden, no surprise to see you atop the world. Cheers!
Posted by: Chris Brunsvold on
wow! it was a lot of fun following this 13th climb you made to the summit of mt. everest, mr. hahn!
Posted by: michelle banal on
Linden and Dave Congratulations to both of you and all your team! Linden I can’t wait to hear all the details when we climb Rainier again at the end of July. I’m just finishing the book Seven Summits and they are climbing Everest and I can’t believe you guys just did it! What an accomplishment. Congrats again.
Posted by: GARY STEELE on
Linden and Dave- Simply amazing. I am so proud to know you. Can’t wait to see you back in Seattle and to hear all about it over a beer. Savor this moment! Travel safe.
Posted by: Ben Starnes on
Congratulations, Linden. Had you been an ancient Greek warrior, you’d be sitting on Mt. Olympus. If a Crusader, you’d have found the Holy Grail. If an astronaut, you’d be on the moon. Savor the moment! Enjoy the glory! You earned it.
Stuart Jones (your dad’s friend)
Posted by: stuart jones on
Thanks for all the dispatches. Another challenging year, another fantastic effort. Thirteen: that’s a pretty surreal number. Congrats to Mr Hahn and the entire RMI team, especially the Sherpas. Well played. Inspiring. Cheers.
Posted by: Bill Horn on
Congrats to Big-D and team!
Lucky #13 in the books. AWESOME!
Posted by: T-Dawg on
Hey Dave,
My congratulations go out to you and your entire team!
What an awesome accomplishment! Please have a safe descent and travel safe! I’ll see you back in Taos,
Alain Pinto
Posted by: Alain Pinto on
Way to go guys! Number 13 Dave. You rock!
Posted by: Lizabee Schaefer on