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Mt. McKinley: Nugent & Garhart Expedition Enjoy a Rest/Weather Day

This is Solveig checking in from Camp 4 @ 14,200'. Today our team is enjoying a rest day, which nicely corresponds with a weather day. The wind has been blowing strongly and we have received nearly a foot of new snow in camp since last night. This afternoon we saw a few sun breaks but still the wind continues! We are keeping busy with ipods, books, and sport eating (not because you need to, but because it's fun!). Yesterday the team constructed a cook shelter surrounded by high wind walls of snow blocks. We have been enjoying eating meals and taking a break from the confines of our tents in our plush livingroom/kitchen! The forecast looks like continued winds and snow through the weekend, so most likely more resting is in our future. Maybe tomorrow we will constuct a tunnel to Mike (Walter) and the other RMI team's camp! Hello to all our friends and family back home, and we'll check in again tomorrow! RMI Guide Solveig Garhart

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Comments (1)

Hi to Sergey and th team from Shapoval family! Sounds like you guys are having fun - way to go. I wish I could join in :)

Posted by: Marina on

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