Mt. McKinley: Brent Okita and Team Fly on to Glacier
It's been an adventurous couple of days so far. It took three flights to finally get onto the glacier, the first attempt getting turned back about half way to the airstrip on the SE fork of the Kahiltna glacier. The second time we were just four minutes from the airstrip when ground fog turned us back. But, at 6:00pm we finally made it! I've got to hand it to our pilots. Three attempts is unprecedented.
Given the hour of the day we opted to make camp and begin our climb in the morning.
I'm sure I wasn't the only climber on the trip to fret about the winds and snow the was blasting our tents all night, but at 6:00am the weather settled and we awoke to calm skies. Unfortunately, it didn't last and clouds and snow soon became the order of the day. Navigating in conditions like this can be a challenge, but I soon discovered that we had a secret weapon on our team: our guide Maile Wade, whose uncanny eyes could pick out even the smallest speck of a wand in the white out conditions that our first day served up for us. Coupled with my gps, we made it to tonight's camp at 7800' in great order. Of course, the tiresome winds of the day challenged our camp building skills, but I have to hand to the entire team, everybody dealt exceptionally well with all that was thrown our way today. The first days of these big expeditions can be trying even in nice conditions, and that everyone was in great spirits at the end of the day bodes well for the rest of the trip.
In the parlance of the young: 'I'm psyched!'
RMI Guide Brent Okita
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Mt. Everest Expedition: Team Leaving the South Col
May 20, 2011
Comments (6)
Got the message that you guys moved up to @ 9600’ Great job! Please post an update on how the team is doing when you can.
Posted by: Marina on
HW- hope the weather will get better. BB made a new friend with a 3yr old boy with glasses in her soccer class today. All of us are well and we wish you & your team a successful climb. Love, F
Posted by: F on
I am concerned. I hope you guys play it super safe!
Posted by: Carole on
Hru, we are back home. Miss you very much already. Please stay safe and good luck with your climb.
Posted by: Marina on
HW- Got msg from guide that the team safely arrived at the base camp ystd. I will be reading the blog every day to follow your progress. BB did very well in class today. I know you will do great! Stay healthy and be safe. Love, F
Posted by: F on
Thanks for the update. I’ll be anxiously awaiting news of the progress of this team, and especially how my co-worker Sergey is doing!
Posted by: Linda on