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Mt. Everest Expedition: Team at the South Col

(Mark Tucker, “Go ahead.”) Okay, this is Dave Hahn calling from the South Col at 26,000 feet. I’m sharing a tent with Linden Mallory. In a tent of a 6 feet from us Tshering, Dawa, and Kaji came all the way up from Camp 2 this morning. And what were perfect conditions. Like I say, we busted out at 2 in the morning, we were well up the wall. We were almost at 25,000 feet before the sun hit us. The conditions were just great on the face, the snow built up and then tromped down. There’s been a lot of traffic to it from high camp, there not supposed to summit for the last couple of days. So we were meeting all sorts of people we knew and people we didn’t know. A lot of sherpas carrying very heavy loads up and down. But we got here probably about 11 in the morning and all of us feeling good. Popped up some tents and we’ve been sitting in the sun. An occasional little breeze here. But conditions are very good; we are very optimistic about calling for tonight and supposed to summit. Mostly what we are doing right now is melting snow and drinking water and trying to undo the damage of a day of climbing a vertical mile at 26,000 feet. But like I say, very optimistic. I think that the weather is going to play out just right for us. One of the other climbers that are up here with us that are going to be on our summit day. So all is good and we are going to try and keep you updated as much as we can. (From Mark Tucker, “Okay, hope you guys got that. Cheerio.”) RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Dave Hahn checks in from the South Col

On The Map

Comments (1)

Way to go, Dave and Linden!!!!!! Can’t wait to hear about it, and to see your photos, Linden…
Safe descent!
Dana Marie

Posted by: Dana Marie Buchanan on

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