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Mt. McKinley:  Walter and Team Remain at 14,000’

Well, it's day 15 of our trip and our first real storm day. Winds gusted to 55mph last night in camp, are gusty today and it's snowing lightly. We're in good spirits and have a good camp established here at 14k. And we're all optimistic that the weather will improve and give us a chance to move to high camp and go for the summit. The RMI Team led by Billy Nugent, arrived in Camp 4 last night. It's good to see them; they are doing well. We shared our kitchen with them last night and today, so they have a sheltered spot to cook and eat while they work on excavating theirs today. Keep your fingers crossed that the weather improves over the next few days. We're hanging tough and doing well... RMI Guide Mike Walter

Comments (5)

Hi Jeff! Missing and thinking of you - hoping for good weather to come your way! I can’t believe it’s day 16 already - everyone from home says hi and is rooting for you. I am so proud of you, stay focused. Miss and love you lots!

Posted by: Erica on

Hey Ken, Windy there, rainy here! We have had almost a week of overcast rainy weather. Ally and I are hoping the weather changes for the climb soon.  The sun is suppose shine here tomorrow.  All is well at the restaurant.  Graduation is tomorrow.  Pizza place still not open.  We miss but are keeping busy. Love you Cathy & Ally!!

Posted by: Cathy Young on

Although it has been many years since I last spoke to dave (we pole vaulted together back in the day),I am so excited and proud of what you have accomplished! Hang in there and I am so proud of you!! I am so excited for all of you!s

Posted by: melinda olsen on

Was a beautiful day today….finally a little spring.  Kids go to karate tomorrow and can’t wait to show you “their moves”.  I didn’t tell you before but I was 1st and 2nd in gp at the show last weekend.  Sending the good vibes your way for both weather and a safe return.  Your family misses you and loves you.

Posted by: Megan on

To: Mike Walter
You really are a “tough team”. Good things come to those who wait.
My son, Michael Esposito is on the Team with Billy Nugent, I appreciate the post and knowing they are doing well at Camp 4.
Thank you. Be Safe & Have Fun!
Kathleen Esposito

Posted by: Kathleen Esposito on

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