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Mt. McKinley: Nugent and Team Move to 14,000’ Camp

Hello to everybody following along! It's been a couple of days or so since we last checked in but we've been very busy. Yesterday we picked up camp at 11,200' and moved up to 14,200'. The weather was decent for our move but turned south as the evening progressed. We were very glad that we spent the time building walls to protect our tents because the National Park Service weather station recorded gusts to 55 mph last night! Today we back-carried the rest of our supplies from our cache at Windy Corner and spent the rest of the afternoon digging out an elaborate posh (cook tent) despite pretty bad weather (snow & wind). That's about it for now! Rest day tomorrow... RMI Guides Billy Nugent, Solveig Garhart and the crew Also: Drew would like to wish his brother a happy birthday!

On The Map

Comments (6)

Hey Solveig!!!

Just wanted to say hello and we are thinking of you!! Hope the weather gets better and everything goes smoothly.. Dylan wanted me to tell you he says hello and give you kisses!! :) He is getting so big, can’t wait to skype next!!

wishing you and the team good luck and good weather!!!


Posted by: Tove on

I look forward to reading your blog.  Stay strong and enjoy!
Drew, I love you and was thinking of you a lot yesterday.  Mom

Posted by: Shirl on

Go Team! Yay for “rest day”...you all deserve it.
Michael, we are all following you and watching your progress. Sending good weather wishes your way.
Mom, Dad, Robert, Melissa, Brenna, Cavin, Bill, Jeannette, Nana & Papo! Love you!

Posted by: Kathleen Esposito on

Hello to everyone but especialy my son Mike.  Got a ton of people watching every day down in the lower 48.
Go get it guys!

Posted by: Vince Esposito on

Hi Drew
I love reading about your progress. It sounds very hard but also very exciting.  Hope the weather gets better soon.  Thinking of you

Posted by: DLo on

enjoy rest day. wishing team good weather, low winds and strong climbimng

Posted by: Lex on

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