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Mt. McKinley: Walter and Team Still Waiting

The weather is very comfortable here at 14k- lots of sun, light winds, and reasonable temps; but the winds persist up high. Wind speeds are around 40 mph at high camp, and probably 50-60 mph at Denali Pass and the summit. We climbed to the base of the fixed lines today (a little over 1000' above camp), just to stretch the legs and get some exercise. It felt good to climb for a couple of hours. Now we're back at camp, lounging around and waiting for the winds to ease so we can move to high camp and get a crack at the summit. The team appreciates everyone's comments on the blog...keep them coming! RMI Guide Mike Walter

Comments (8)

Hey Mike and Team,

I am back in Denver. I guess Ed, Seth, Mark and I would still be sitting there with you guys. Hang in there and be safe!

Posted by: Kevin Duncan on

Hi David,

Hope you are enjoying your climbing adventure and that your team stays safe.  Liam still talks about your Mt. Hood climb.  Wishing you the best from a very flat Chicago suburb.  Susan, Dave and Liam.

Posted by: Susan on

Hey Dave,
Glad to hear you are all doing well. Your team has worked hard and deserves a couple of days of calm weather for a summit. Be patient and safe, soon you’ll all be on top.

Posted by: Jeff McCrary on

Hi Jeff! We missed you last night at the Bulls game - although they played horribly! Game 3 is on Sunday, series is tied 1-1. Alyssa comes in tonight - Doogs tomorrow for 80 Sips. Remember last year, I will never forget our cab ride home :) I miss you and think about you every day.  Stay safe, I love you.

Posted by: Erica on

I’ve been lurking too - checking updates from my phone as I run around like a crazy person at less threatening heights.  Good luck up the mountain guys - stay safe and patient for the wind to subside, then go kick that summit’s ass!

Posted by: Kyle McHugh on

I agree, the updates are the first thing I look for. It’s been engrossing, to say the least, following your ascent. There are many lurkers out there, following the climb…but not leaving comments.
We all wish you well.

Posted by: David Hampton on

We love you dad!. Please be careful!
Kuba & Nelly

Posted by: Kuba on

It seems so funny…..but I look forward to this blog every day like you coming home every night….please be careful and I am thinking good thoughts that take you to the summit and bring you home safe to me.  I love you. Megan

Posted by: Megan on

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