Alaska Seminar: Moving Camp
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Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Hey this is the RMI seminar checking in from Kahiltna Glacier. Today we moved our camp closer to the base of Mt. Francis we are hoping to make a summit attempt of Mt. Francis later this week. We spent the afternoon fortifying our camp as a small storm is upon us. We also spent the afternoon reviewing and learning more about anchors. Tomorrow will be a good day of training and hopefully this weather will move on. We'll check in later.
RMI Guide Jason Thompson checks in from the Kahiltna Glacier
More to Explore
Mt. McKinley: Walter’s Team Resting at 14,200’
May 15, 2011
Comments (4)
Hi McKin!
Ivie, Hunter, Ray and I are cheering you on!!! We love you.
Posted by: Julie on
Hey Jitendar,
Hope the storm has passed and wasnt too bad.Post some pictures.Cant wait to see you guys dominating the mountain!!
Posted by: Mamta on
Hi Denali, Hope you like your nickname now that you have seen the mountain. I hope that you are getting some snow as that makes for more realistic training. It’s always more fun when the sun comes out after the storm. How about posting a group photo so thst we can see the “Cast of Characters”. Love, Dad
Posted by: Max Lenker on
Hey Mckinley!!
Hope you are having an incredible adventure! Dominate that mountain crazy girl!!
Love ya rattail
Posted by: Brooke Diamond on