Mt. McKinley: Walter’s Team Resting at 14,200’
We're resting at Camp 4 today, with beautiful weather. The forecast is for pretty high winds the next few days, so we'll likely be here through the beginning of the week. Hopefully the winds abate (or the forecast doesn't verify!), and we can move up high soon.
We enjoyed a late breakfast with lots of bacon and coffee this morning, and now we're lounging around, reading and whatnot. Our spirits are high, and we're hopeful that we can move up high soon.
Thanks for the posts on the blog, it's always good to hear from friends back home.
RMI Guide Mike Walter
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Mt. McKinley: Nugent and Team at Camp 3
May 15, 2011
May 16, 2011
Comments (4)
Just wishing you a good night’s rest and letting you know your family is thinking of you and sending all our love!!! I love you….Megan
Posted by: Megan on
SEND IT, RAPPSTAR!!! Btw bacon and coffee at 14,000 feet? Sounds like pretty much the best Sunday ever! Get after it, take pics, and stay safe my friend!
Posted by: Claire on
Hope the winds subside. Glad to hear you’re all resting. Sending the whole team the best wishes for this week….have fun and be safe. And once again sending all my love to Jerald (Monkey) miss you …..Love Carolyn
Posted by: Carolyn Tomlinson on
Tear it up dirty Dave. You’re an animal!!!! Take lots of pictures. Stay safe along with your team.
Posted by: Teamster mike on