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Mt. Everest Expedition: Acclimatizing on Last Rotation

Summer is here this morning, this afternoon that will be a different story. Tsering, Kaji, and Dawa left Camp 2 a half an hour before Dave, Sara and Linden for the climb up the Lhotse face to Camp 3. Lam Babu has now arrived at Base Camp after going the other direction from Camp 2. Dave reported good conditions ,weather and route wise on the face with incredible views of the surrounding mountains. Up above he could see some people going for the summit of Everest, yet another wave of climbers getting a chance at standing on top. It is great to see the groups getting a shot at the top over many days. instead of a lot of teams concentrated on the same window of time. I have started a push to the top a couple of times with eighty or so other climbers leaving high camp at about the same time. It's always a struggle thinking about what the near future could bring. More than often things work out but if they don't it can make for an even tougher day. Enough good experienced mountaineers can be a good thing to have around on the summit push, the right amount is a bit by chance.We will have a tight strong group that can handle most anything. Dave and Sara have decided that 23,000 ft, a good chunk of the way to Camp 3 is going to be enough for today. They have prioritized the next rotation as the objective, the idea of sleeping at Camp 3 tonight was a good plan, but the decision we make out in the field, are the ones that make the difference. They have just radioed in that they are off the face, heading to Camp 2. Linden is still climbing toward Camp 3 to get familiar with the route and location of Camp 3, another altitude records for Linden today. He will also come back to Camp 2 for the night. The Sherpa team worked all morning chopping and digging into the ice for tent platforms which will be used in the future. Instead of putting up the tents today they have then in a duffel bag secure to the site and will set them up on the summit push. No sense in subjecting them to wind and snow for now. So a good day for training and working hard up high. Back to Basecamp tomorrow, for the final resting period, with the summit push as the new focus. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

RMI Guide Dave Hahn checks in from Camp 2.

Comments (8)

Sarah, I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how proud we all are here at Westminster. I have no doubt this is just the beginning of a list of amazing experiences for you in your life. We are thinking of you and wish you the best. Take care. Buen trabajo! Felicitaciones! Sra. Russell

Posted by: Maria Russell on

Sara, we are so proud of you. We’re thinking of you all the time and enjoying the incredible pictures. Dave, the audio was great - thank you for posting it - and the blogs help those of us closer to sea level live this with you. How are the poker games going, Bill? Much love.

Posted by: Mom / Grandma on

Good Luck Team as you prep for the summit push! Great audio shout-out to the Sherpas prepping & carrying to high camp Dave—these guys are amazing.
Say hi to Linden for me, keep up the good work & ENJOY some R&R and thick air back at base camp.

Posted by: Tim McLaughlin on

Thanks again for the post and the audio, Mark and Dave.  I love how Dave keeps referring to it as a “hill”.  I will think of that when I get too tired to keep running up Paces Ferry tomorrow.  It sounds like the team is doing great and glad you are getting the necessary rest for the coming climb. Thinking of you always!

Posted by: Martin on

Miss you!  We spent Sunday trying new yogurt and taste testing different versions of cake batter but we missed having our true expert around.  Morgan won the taste test by fitting the most varieties of flavors in her cup while I think Emma was the heavy weight with the most volume.  We have many fun trips in mind when you guys return - no extra oxygen required.  Keep your chin up….while keeping in mind most of us get winded just climbing the stairs.  So proud of you!

Posted by: Kasey, Sophie & Emma on

You guys are doing awesome!!!  I know you are having a great time & I look forward to seeing the video of this very impressive event…I bet you have some good songs in mind for this adventure.  BTW, Dave is looking forward to a motorcycle ride when you guys return & Sarah, I still owe you a trip to the mall.  We miss you guys & know you will accomplish this incredible task!

Posted by: Meridith Edwards on

The team sounds like they’re doing great!!!!!! Keep up the good work & know we are proud of y’all! Sayyybayyy im actually missing you so much and can’t waittt to see you and hear about everything, keep it up because im sooo proud! love youuu:) <3

Posted by: katherine on

Sarah, when your mom told me what you were doing I just could not beleive it, till I saw it with my own eyes. Wow what a great exciting opportunity.
When your done with Mt. Everest you should be able to concore anything!!!!!  I am enjoying the pictures, they are just beautiful!!!  Patricia

Posted by: Patricia on

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