Mt. McKinley Expedition: Walter & Team Reach 11,200’
First things first: Happy Mother's Day from our Denali climbing team!
Yesterday we woke to clear skies and cool temperatures at Camp 2, and we packed up camp and moved up to Camp 3 at 11,200'. The snow conditions were excellent for traveling, and the temps were cool but comfortable, and perfect for climbing .
After good day of climbing, and a few hours of establishing camp, we settled in to the comfort of our cook tent to enjoy a delicious meal of chicken quesadillas.
Today we are resting, hydrating, and acclimating to this new altitude. After a huge breakfast of eggs and bacon, we have begun to fortify our camp- reinforcing our snow walls and our tent anchors. This afternoon we will spend time sorting our gear in preparation for taking a cache to 13,500'.
Everyone is doing well, and we're hoping for good weather tomorrow to get our cache in place. We will check in again tomorrow, and let you know what we're up to.
Comments (2)
Posted by: David Hampton on
Congrats to the team on making it to camp 3 - glad everyone is in good spirits! Jeff - hope you are hydrating and eating lots! We all miss and love you.
Posted by: Erica on