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Mt. Everest Expedition:  Team Reaches Camp 2

Yesterday we left off with the group of Dave, Linden and Sara "hunkerin' down" at Camp I for the night, and, given what happened last night, we are sure glad that they did. Our climbing team was hit by huge winds last night at Camp I. In fact, the entire mountain (all the camps) was blasted with extremely high winds and frigid cold. Many tents were lost in the upper camps. Our team survived the night by 1) checking and re-checking the tents to make sure they were secure, 2) eating a big freezed-dried meal for dinner, and then 3) diving into their extremely warm sleeping bags. Sara, who was sleeping in her own tent, radioed me this morning after the winds subsided and said that she sure missed me last night because a couple of times she thought that the tent was going to blow away, and my extra weight would have been helpful. So, to be clear, my daughter missed me for my weight. So touching. After the sun came up the winds died down considerably and the team was able to move from Camp I to Camp II by noon today. Before leaving Camp I they took down the two tents and stuffed them in duffel bags and stored them away (just in case another big "blow" comes along). The entire team is healthy and happy resting at Camp 2 for a big day tomorrow. Assuming the weather cooperates, the team is going to move up to Camp 3 to sleep. Their sleep at Camp 3 will be assisted by bottled oxygen. Then on Tuesday (the 10th) they are going to wake up and walk up toward Camp IV using oxygen, and then return all the way down to Camp 2. The goal is for the team to be back at Base Camp on the 11th, and to beready for a summit bid starting May 18th. Bill M

RMI Guide Dave Hahn checks in from Camp 2 (ABC).

Comments (10)

SARA my sweet little baby!!! Katherine and I were just flipping through your pictures and we miss you so much!! We can’t wait to see you and I want you to tell me everything about your trip!! Be safe and have fun, love you!

Posted by: Kathryn M on

SARA!!!!!!!!!! you are doing awesome! I am so proud of you!!!!! I think about you everyday. I can not wait till the summer so we can rewatch all of the seasons of laguna beach! Atlanta is pretty boring besides the fact that exams are coming up and everyone has a ton of work. I know these past week have been an incredible experience and a lot of hard work. Keep it up and everyone is praying for you everyday. I know you can do it!!!! get this mountain DUNZO, so I can see you!! I have already said this but I miss you so much, and you are truly amazing. Cant wait to see you soon, you little mountain climber.

Lots of Love,

Posted by: spencer on

Bill and Sara, You were with us in spirit on Mother’s Day as we sang your praises and admired your courage and determination. We are thinking of you constantly as the goal gets nearer. Much love.

Posted by: Mom / Grandma on

You are AMAZING!!!!!!!! I can’t believe what you are doing right now and I can even imagine how hard it is to do what your doing. I pray for you every night and think of you always!!!!!! Dad posted that you wanted him because of his weight (I would of wanted him too). We found a new fro yo shop that is better (dad still doesn’t believe us) than Menchies. i hope you are having a amazing time and no matter what we are always going to be here for you
Hugs and Kisses

Posted by: Katie on

hey sayy!! this is a short message because i have to study for a STUPID CHEM TEST TOMORROW!! anyways, i miss you so much (bailey is in town and wanted to record you a video, but you wouldnt be able to see it) ummm…. youre amazing!! youre a trooper ;) hehe. oh and also, just a little fun fact: my birthday is two months from today. also, we do a devotional about you in bible study PROBABLY every other week, the girls are so mesmerized by you!! youre a rock star. today i shook a guys hand who had three fingers. sophomore english project is stupid. do yall have snowball fights? (feel free to answer that question in your next blog…)

mr mcgahan - i miss you too!! since you left, my life has seriously been lacking comedy!!!

I miss yall so much and i pray for yall every day!! stay safe, keep fighting, and i cant wait for yall to be home!!!!

Posted by: lilly on

Also love the audio dispatch.  Nothing can match hearing it in the Team’s own words….  Just great stuff.  Thanks to Dave and everyone for posting.

Posted by: Martin on

Bro—in the past, you have also been considered dead weight (ie - think of every time you were someone’s partner in a golf match) so this should not be new to you…  We spent a great Mothers Day with your family and Grandma.  We thought of you and Sara often, but it is clear that you are both where you are meant to be.  Best of luck to the Team, I know they will continue to do great!  Miss you both.  - Bro

Posted by: Martin on

Sabesssss! I hope you slept a little bit in all that wind and that you weren’t scared, don’t worry i probably would have cried… But you get the job done so you probably didnt ;) hehe anywaysss today is mothers day so that was good we took your mom some flowers :) i LOVED reading on your post the other day that your favorite part of the day was reading the comments. It’s reassuring to know your still up there reading all of our well wishes even though you can’t respond. love you and miss you so much hurry up and summit already :) kidding kidding go slow and be safe. can’t wait til you come home.

Posted by: Tabes on

Amazing!  I am getting caught up on everything that happened this week and I read about your Dad’s decision and then I read his comment from you on needing his weight not to blow away.  I know it is Mother’s Day but sometimes you need your Dad’s wait to be safe and really make it happen.
Love, Maggie Tully (your Mom’s friend.)
ps. I am the friend that visited your family in Hawaii in 2004 when one of you had a class project to ‘wish for something in the world’ and your brother said ‘I wish Daddy would be allowed to make decisions in this family.’  I guess your brother was right ... when your Dad makes decisions ... although hard, they are really good ones.
pss. Happy Mother’s Day, Lisa, my heart is with you and your family.

Posted by: Maggie Tully on

Fascinating.  It is remarkable what all your team has accomplished and will continue to accomplish.  Cheering you on from atop Lookout Mountain.

Posted by: Lowndes Harrison on

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