Mt. Everest Expedition: Sara’s Thoughts on the Final Round

As I prepare myself for this last rotation up the mountain, I know I will be faced with huge challenges. For one, climbing up to stay at Camp 3 in three days will be physically exhausting, but for the first time in my life I will be climbing without the support of my dad. Although I respect and admire his decision, and I know it was the right one for both him and the team, I am really bummed he won’t be up there with us. It will be the hardest for me when the times are tough, and not having him there mentally will take a huge toll on me.
But I am excited about the next rotation, and about a chance at a summit bid. As hard as these next three weeks will be, I know that I will give it my all and I’ll be back home in just a matter of weeks. So, while the climbs will be intense, and the environment will be extreme, I will be home soon to enjoy the month of June.
Lastly, one of the highlights of my day is when I get to read the blog comments, so thank you all for your support. It means so much to me and the rest of the team.
Sara McGahan
More to Explore
Mt. McKinley Expedition: Moving Up Hill
May 6, 2011
Comments (22)
For weeks I’ve been clicking on this box and trying to come up with something inspiring or helpful to say to you. Unfortunately, surprise, I’ve realized that there probably isn’t that one perfect thing that’s going to help you through this but I can say this: If there was anyone in the world that I would say could climb mount Everest and make it to the top (I know, i don’t have the climbing lingo down yet) it would be you. Not only are you strong (I mean, we’ve all seen those chiseled abs hehe) but you’re also brave, sweet and amazingly humble. Heck, if I were climbing mount Everest, they’d probably have to get an extra harness for my big fat egotistical head! hehe. Though I have to say, just bragging about how I have a friend as cool as you is enough for me. But really, I look up to you Sara, you’re everything a person could want to be and I know it’s getting hard and it’s probably only harder from here, but remember that you’re already remarkable no matter what happens. And as much as I’d like to fly up there with a cosmo and a beach towel in hand, all I can really say is that I wish you the best, you’re one of the most astonishing people I know, and from my heart to yours, I know you can do this.
With love always,
Posted by: Gigi Abcarian on
SAYYYSS!! I can’t stop thinking about you!! every step is closer to your dream and closer to coming back to us!! so hunker down and stay strong. WE ALL LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Posted by: Ans on
I’ve got a whole slew of people praying for you to get up that mountain! I have always been proud of you and WE ARE ALL RIGHT with YOU!!! I’ve got my ankle bracelet on for your Guatemala trip and it’s getting a bit tathered - as it should as it represents the amount of time you’ve been playing on a mountain :-)
I’d come give you a house call massage cliff side, but I do not possess the leaping abilities you own.
Patience has always been the key…one day at a time, one breath at a moment, one foot in front of the other, inhale in - exhale out, and think. what you are doing is called living life to the fullest. Embrace every obstacle that comes your way and enjoy it. Mother nature sends those gusts of wind to rock you to sleep and keep you alert at the same time. Get to that peak and back down before Dad causes too much trouble in base camp!
Posted by: Eileen steil on
Sara, my 8-year old daughter and I are following your blog every night here in Kansas City. My daughter says to keep up your great work, climb hard, stay safe, and best of luck and success making the summit!
Posted by: E.Black on
Sara you are amazing. We are so proud of you and eagerly await the blog each day. How did you get to be so fearless?! We can’t wait to see you in Guatemala (we overlap with you for a few days - yay!)
You are an amazing person and you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!
Much love to you.
Posted by: Jody Gardner on
G O T E A M S A R A !
We are pulling and praying for you.
Much love,
The Dobbs
Posted by: The Dobbs Family on
hey sara, you are my hero! sometimes heros come in small packages! you are making a difference to so many people! your courage, your determination, your unflagging spirit! i am sending huge hugs your way! love you lots,lynn crow
Posted by: Lynn Crow on
The Oelkers family cheers you on. Go Cats! Stay strong, stay safe, and have fun! Hope you brought a Westminster sticker or banner to take a picture at the summit. Tell Dave and Linden that I used to work for Dick Bass during the 80’s and 90’s when he was doing his Everest climbs. They should have some good stories to share about “Large Mouth Bass”. . .
Galen, Lynn, Caroline (‘14), Virginia (‘16), & Lillian (‘19) Oelkers
Posted by: Galen Oelkers on
HEY! It’s Aliya! From Hawaii! You know, Morgan and Katie’s friend. It’s so cool you’re hiking Mt. Everest. Good Luck!!!
Posted by: Aliya Petranik on
sara your doing awesome keep up the valiant efforts. we got second if field day by 3 points blahhhhhh. i so admire wat ur doing and i cant imagine what your going through on that mountain. its truly incredible. i love u so much - Billy
Posted by: billy on
I love you and I miss you so much. Dad is struggling so if he wants to stay, let him stay.I love you so much and hope you get up the mountain. Don’t rush yourself, take your time, if they are going too fast tell them to slow down. I Love you and I miss you so much. Remember I think you are perfect.
Posted by: Morgn on
Recently returned to Australia from Base Camp and ran into you guys at Pheriche. Read your blogs each day and have great admiration for Sara and her dad.I wish every success to Sara during the challenging days ahead.Just giving an Everest climb a go is gutsy. I admire Sara’s dad for having the courage to call of his attempt - very hard to do but on reading his explanation, sounded like a responsible call in the circumstances.
Posted by: Malcolm on
You are doing great Sara. You have everything you need to do anything you set your heart and mind to do. Always have, always will! Love, Candace
Posted by: Candace on
Sara! You show such courage and determination and strength and energy in pursuing your goal. I know you will miss your Dad but he will be with you in spirit every step of the way. Keep looking up and believe! Much love.
Posted by: Grandma on
Best of Luck Sara,You couldn’t be in better hands!!! Dave is the BEST!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Paul Bendlock on
SARA!!!!! SABESIES! This post made me so happy, I am so proud of how far you’ve come and I can’t wait for you to make the last rotation!! I read your blog every day, and one of my favorite parts is the pictures…youre right its truly beautiful. It kinda reminds me of all the snow in that movie eight below, if youve seen it. speaking of movies, nothing interesting has come out recently. Hmm no interesting songs either.
The seniors aren’t at school anymore and the juniors all get out of school early/come late for APs so it always seems like there’s no one there..and since freshman go in the campus center the sophomores are like the only people in the library. I wish I had more interesting updates, but there’s not much going on. Chemistry and math are getting really hard too.
The point is that I MISS YOU SO MUCH. Not a day goes by without me thinking about you SO MUCH. What you are doing is incredible and I am so so proud of all your hard work. This will be an experience you will never forget. You’re amazing!!!
Posted by: Grace Caswell on
SARAAA ahh i miss you so much, but am so unbelievably excited for you at the same time!! last time we talked, you had just finished a season of “friday night lights” i think…hope you’re still obsessed with it so we can talk about it for hours! I’ve loved reading all about your experience and looking at all the pictures. so far your journey seems incredible and i’m so proud of how strong you have been. Mr. Mcgahan, your decision is very admirable and I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. Both of you are so inspiring. keep up the good work!!
Reading about your days on the blog has become part of my daily routine, they’re always so interesting! each day seems to get more and more exciting. especially compared to the day to day activities going on in atlanta haha nothings really changed at all besides us missing you like crazzzyy. wishing you tons of luck on your last rotation and so excited about the chance you might summit! you’re both in all of our prayers and we can’t wait to see you back in atlanta soon!! all of the foleys miss you and wanted you to know they say hiii and are sending love your way…especially ben of course ;)
Noooow i need to address lilly’s comment. it’s so true, chemistry is just not as fun without you :( grace and lilly like to pretend every time we do a lab that i’m not in their group she mentioned above. funny right? no. she’s lucky she added the JK to her post haha bum de bum de bum de bum de
i should probably stop rambling on… but basically, we’re all INCREDIBLY proud of you and thinking about you always. also can’t wait for you to come back home! keep up the good work, and stay strong and positive :) love you so so much
Posted by: Kathryn on
I was part of a team that climbed Kilimanjaro in January 2008 under the guidance of Jeff Martin and Linden Mallory. I cannot say enough about their competence, steadiness and patience as our leaders. You are in excellent hands as you approach your summit bid. Good luck!
Will Kerner (Virginia)
Posted by: Will Kerner on
Linden, do they still serve porridge? I can’t tell you how much more fun work is than Island Peak.
Good luck to you and the team over the next few weeks.
Your pension lawyer, Mark
Posted by: Mark miller on
Sara Rose-
We are so proud, you are strong and your going to do great. Your dad is an amazing man and very lucky to have him, enjoy your time with him on the mountain. love! Aunt Stacey
Posted by: Aunt Stacey on
You’re doing great Sara. I just wanted to send this and say that everyone hear is thinking about you. Especially all of your friends. Gosh I don’t really know what to say so I’m jus gonna say it’s amazing what you’re doing and I’m always thinking about you
Posted by: Robert on
Have faith in your own strength - it is very apparent from these posts just how physically and mentally tough you are. And I have no doubt that you remain in great hands with Dave, Linden and the team. While your Dad may not be roped -in with you on the next rotation, you will have his and all of our support on every step of your climb! You are the best! We all love you and are thinking of you constantly! - Uncle Martin
Posted by: Martin on