Mt. Everest Expedition: End of Second Rotation
The team completed their second rotation at Camps 1 and 2 and returned to Everest Base Camp today.
We are glad to have everyone back down to rest and recuperate from their time up high. Even Yubarj, our Camp 2 cook, returned to Base Camp for a few days break.
Nobody will be heading out of Base Camp going up hill tomorrow from our camp so we are heading to bed tonight without setting the alarm. That is a nice feeling.
The team is looking forward to a warm shower and we are looking forward to hearing their stories from the last few days.
It was a nice day today here at Base Camp and I headed down valley for a little bouldering.
Once the team is rested we'll get them sending some dispatches with news about the last rotation.
Till next time,
Mark Tucker
Comments (13)
Bill & Sarah - Great to hear the team is back to lower altitudes for what sounds like a couple days of deserved R&R. What an incredible few days it must of been. Thinking about you all the time and looking forward to the exciting days ahead. BK
Posted by: BK on
Hi Bill & Sara!
It was really nice to meet you guys on the way up to the M. Everest Basecamp! Fantastic to read about the big adventure through this blog! Keep up the good work - I am very impressed!!
Cheers from Lars
(Nebraska-Swede who you met in Pheriche & Loboche)
Posted by: Lars on
Bill— JP took the boys to their 4th state title in five years yesterday! Go Cats. o, yeah, Happy Anniversary. HG
Posted by: Henry on
ahhh i miss you soooo soooo much!!!!! your mom told me your going on frontier and hopefully we’ll be on the same flight!!! yayayayyayayayayy. i CANNOT WAIT until you get back i have so much to tell youuuuu (FJ. yeah i know. crazy. thought you’d appreciate that :) hehe). i know its getting harder and harder every day but remember how much we support you and love you!! i know you can do it!! like katherine said, the seniors are out (VERY weird) and basically im giving up in school because i want summer to be here…not actually but you know.. and we’re playing lovett tomorrow!! miss you so much!!!! i dreamed about you the other night. you had come home. it was a good dream :) love you.
Posted by: Tabes on
SAYYYY!! been trying to keep in touch then someone told me that your only getting posts on this blog, but im going crazyyyyyy not hearing from you because i miss you an unbelievable amount its ridiculous! I have soo much to tell you cant waittt till we can talk! I see your sibs a lot around school & it makes me miss you not to mention everything reminds me of you!!! P.S. lax team misses you a lot but is doing really well (would be better if you were there singing quietly lol) but we’ve only lost to milton! & 1st playoff game tomorrow versus lovett! The seniors are all out which is sooo weird not to have them at school! But if you get discouraged just pretend your running away from the stupid exams we have to take semi soon (plus sophomore english project) & be comforted knowing you don’t have to listen to me complaining all the time about it! Whats new with you though have you been watching any good movies? Or just visiting with everyone? I have so many questions & i know you cant answer them here but just know we are all thinking bout you & hoping to hear from you soon because we miss your voice and fun spirit!! Proud of youuuuu:))) love you to the moon & back! (hahahaha kinda cool i could say everest and back):)
Posted by: katherine on
Bill, Sara & Team—
We love reading the posts and hearing about your incredible adventure. It’s very exciting…even this far away it’s such a high for us know you are there. We look forward to hearing more about your journey to the top!! Stay safe and happy climbing!
Linnea Ashley & family
Linnea Ashley & family
Posted by: Linnea Ashley on
a sleep-in—how great. probably slept until noon, huh!!! keep on keepin’ on, my thoughts and prayers are with you. love you.
Posted by: aunt mary on
hey say! Im so proud of you and Im really glad you are getting a well deserved rest the next few days!! You are amazing and Im praying for you everyday! I know the feeling of wanting to give up, being tired and sore, but you are pushing through it and your drive is so inspiring. Everyone at home is pulling for you!! On a lighter note….... we tried selling pizza at open mic for guatemala… after breaking even ($150) we only raised $2 (TWO DOLLARS)!!!!!! it was embarrassing. anyways, i love you and i miss you so much, i cant WAIT until you get home (and guatemala) love love love lilly. ps hope you liked your letters :)
Posted by: lilly on
Welcome back to Base Camp and warm showers and thick air (relatively)! Wonderful job! Any plans for horseshoes or putt-putt on your rest break? Many IBM-ers are following the blog and enjoying the awesome pictures with me. Stay safe and strong. Much love.
Posted by: Mom / Grandma on
Way to go…. Can not wait to hear the stories. Have been showing your pictures to the kids I have been subbing for in the autism classes and they are so interested in your pictures. Stay strong!
xxoo Stacey, Jeff and Sam
Posted by: Stacey on
Keep up the good work! Living vicariously through you all right now. Special shout out to Linden & Ubarj—my Island Peak brothers!
Posted by: Tim McLaughlin on
Keep up the good work! Living vicariously through you all right now.
Posted by: Tim McLaughlin on
Fantastic job, Team!! All those nights at Camp 2 and all the way up to the Lhoste face - absolutely incredible. I am in London (temps in the mid -60s!) and I enthralled my meeting attendees with your accomplishments. I even put up some of your pictures on the O/h projector! Awesome! I am recruiting followers to your blog always… Enjoy Base camp and some well-deserved rest! Bro and Sara, we miss you! - Bro
Posted by: martin on