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Mt. Everest Expedition:  Anniversary of Jim Whittaker’s First American Everest Summit

Hey Jim Whittaker! Happy 48th Anniversary of the first American on the summit of Mount Everest. Nobody from any country is on top May 1st this year. Steady progress is being made in that direction, but I would think even with perfect conditions ahead, it will still be another week before anyone summits. The Whittaker family is a big part of RMI. Jim's twin brother Lou, being the Chief Guide of RMI for years. His son Peter leading the charge at RMI now, and his brother Win involved in the family business as well. Last year I worked with Jim's son Leif on his climb of Everest. On Jim's summit day he had a Sherpa climbing partner named Nawang Gombu. Gombu, as we all called him around Mount Rainier, would work the summers with us on Rainier. He was the youngest member of the 1953 expedition which made the first ascent of Mount Everest. In 1965 he reached the summit again, becoming the first person to climb Mount Everest twice. It was always a pleasure to work with him on the mountain. Just the nicest guy, and anybody who was lucky enough to climb or spend time with him, new they were touched by a very special man. I received the sad news of his passing last week. He will be greatly missed. I had the honor of being part of the 1990 Mount Everest Peace Climb led by Jim Whittaker. Our goal was to summit on April 22, the twenty year anniversary of Earth Day. We did not get our first team to the summit until May 6th. Point being, that without much fixed line, and that early in the season, our hats go off to you Jim, for an amazing accomplishment. We should all be so proud of our team, for the respect they are showing to Jim's mountain and the effort put forth to preserve his legacy. Dave and crew did another climb up to the base of the face and back to Camp 2 for the night, they plan to give a go at the Lhotse Face tomorrow. Rest today for the Sherpa team, but just handed off supplies to be taken to Camp 2 tomorrow. Till next time, RMI Guide Mark Tucker

Comments (5)

Way to go, team! Thinking of you all the time up at Camp 2 and beyond.
Saw Katie’s second LAX game against Holy Innocents on a gorgeous Saturday. She is such a trooper and it was a tough loss. Have to catch more games in the coming weeks.
Be safe and take our love with you.

Posted by: Mom / Grandma on

News from the home front I thought you would want to hear….. Osama bin Laden has been killed by US forces in Pakistan.  They have just announced tonight at 10:30 PM.  Stay safe!!!!!!  xxoo Stacey

Posted by: Stacey on

Bill and Sara,  We think of you both every day as you continue your amazing journey.  We missed you this afternoon at the WCAT End of Year Celebration, but you were there in the play by play as we watched some great WCAT football moments on the exciting highlight reels.  Matthew and Forrest fondly recalled for the group the first WCAT football radio broadcast at Woodward in the fall of 2009, when it was just the three of you trying to figure out how to get the broadcast on the air.  You are both sorely missed in all the day to day activities here.  We can’t wait to hear in person all the details of your phenomenal experience.  I think Lisa and I are going to the jewelry mart this week to look for her anniversary present in your absence, just kidding, I bet that raised your breathing rate a little!  Virginia

Posted by: Virginia on

B-15ill and Sara, LOVE all the details of your incredible journey. We pray each day for each step you take. Katie and the JH Lax Cats were amazing yesterday.Gorgeous day in ATL.Pefect conditions here. 1st game vs much improved Woodward team. Won in overtime (2 3-minute times).Katie must have stopped/blocked/saved 10-15 goals.She was incredible.Next game was vs HIES.They brought down some JV girls…Coach Watts says W doesn’t allow this. We held strong until last two min. lost 9-11.Katie looked great again but tough loss. Blessed T won it all.Beat HIES by 10 goals.Somer Woodall on fire-had 10 goals for the day.Missed Mallie E-recovering from concussion still but better.Boys soccer won 1st round.Boys V Lax lost to Pope so 2nd seed for playoffs.
Baseball V playoffs start Frid.Sara, Lee picked Wake Forest.We will have to switch from tarheels to demon deacons…seniors had last day countdown-sad for moms!AP exams start this week. Hugs and kisses and many prayers for FUN and safety! XOXOX The Caswell Family

Posted by: Nancy Caswell on

What a cool thing.  Bro - back in 1995, me and several friends (Blake, Mark, Eddie, Ruck and others) climbed Mt. Rainier and had the honor of meeting Lou Whittaker at RMI headquarters.  We were all in awe—having read about he and Jim’s accomplishments.  He was so incredibly nice and patient with our “newbe” questions…  What a cool thing to have two stronger McGahan climbers on Everest on this anniversary of that incredible accomplishment!  Stay strong!  Thinking of everyone!

Posted by: Martin on

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