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Mt. Everest Expedition: Final Rest Day at Base Camp

Today is our third and final rest day before we head back up the Ice fall to begin our second rotation. If all goes as planned, this rotation will consist of spending one night at Camp 1 and then four nights at Camp 2 before returning back down to Base Camp. Our plan after that is then to rest for a couple of days, then to climb back up to Camp 1 and 2 and sleep as high as Camp 3 before returning back down. This would be our third rotation and the final rotation before our summit bid. Then we will rest for a week or so. If all goes well, we will make our summit push sometime in the latter part of May. Mentally and physically, this next month will be the hardest month of my life. I worry that I won't be physically strong enough to climb through all of these rotations, and that I might lose my focus. It's so mentally difficult climbing down when it took so much effort climbing up to that spot, but I do know that every time I do climb up to a point where I've been before I feel stronger and I can breathe easier. I also completely understand why we have to climb up and down for acclimatization purposes, but doing so has been a huge challenge. As difficult as it may seem, the first month of this trip has been one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life and I know this second month will be just as amazing. I've met some incredible people, and never in my life have I been more breath taken at the place that I'm in. Base Camp has begun feeling like home. I want to say hi to all my family and friends, and I want to thank everyone for the comments and support. Sara McGahan

Comments (19)

SAAYYY!! i love you so much and im so proud of you!! All of us have been following you on the blog and i am so happy you are experiencing this because it sounds truly amazing! STAY STRONG AND KNOW THAT I THINK ABOUT YOU EVERDAY BABY.

Posted by: Margaret Walker on

Sara, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your father! It is truly amazing and inspiring to me! Keep your spirits high and stay strong. When you are back Angela and i will have to hear all about this amazing adventure!!! xoxo Heather

Posted by: heather yager on

Just know that people that don’t even know you (like me) are rooting for you!! You are living the dream - stay strong!

Posted by: Alexandra on

MY PRECIOUS SARA!! I miss you so much and can’t stop thinking about you. I’m so so proud of everything you’re doing and every time you need a friend just look at our picture!! Stay strong I can only imagine how hard it is and how much you miss your family, but you’re almost there!! I love you so much sabes! Tell your daddy I say hi!

You’re always in my prayers baby, I love you!

Posted by: Ansley on

sara and bill. do you realize that what you are accomplishing right now, very (very) few people in the world would even only dream of. this is a remarkable journey. both of you can do. and you will remain focused on only one thing during your climb and descent—the mountain. all else can wait until you are both back in atlanta. know you are loved, and that prayers and thoughts are offered up to you on a continual basis. keep on keepin on…. love to you.

Posted by: aunt mary on

Hi Sara and Bill,
  Really enjoy your commentaries. Wonderful accomplishments and experience. I’m an old man in Seattle and I have a nephew, Zachary Zaitzeff, who is climbing with the IMG classic team, who should have just returned to Base Wednesday from their first rotation at Camp 2. Do your teams interact at all? If so, say hello to Zach for me from Uncle Larry.  Thanks, take care,  Z.

Posted by: Larry Zaitzeff on

What an amazing time in your life; one that you will remember forever! Your example is awe inspiring. Keep up your spirit and forge on! We are supporting you here in Atlanta and wishing we could be there to share in the experience. Keep safe, remain positive, and pursue your dreams!

Posted by: The Oelkers family on

Sara and Raineer Team,

I have been following this blog for the last month or so and am truly inspired by your expedition.  It is amazing what you are doing and hopefully one day I will be able to make it to Everest myself.  You should all feel proud.  What an accomplishment!  I wish you all the best and please keep posting on the blog with summaries of events, stories and photos of the beautiful surroundings!  Take care.

Posted by: Paul Fruin on

Sara, Sara, Sara -  well where else where you going to get the legs to climb Everest but on Everest?!?!?  I’ve had the priviledge of watching you grow and mature, if anyone can do this Your Dad and you are the combo!  Sending much love and strong legs and even stronger mind.  One leg at a time, one breath at a moment.
Go get em!!!!
Love and prayers daily,

Posted by: Eileen steil on

SAY!! reading the blog from your perspective is so motivating and inspiring! Know that everyone back in atlanta and beyond miss your sun-shiny “Sara smile” & happiness you bring to us all! We are so proud of you and amazed at your perseverance throughout possibly the hardest physically and mentally challenging experiences in THE WORLD!!! You are in my constant thoughts and prayers (haha even dreams as ive creepily said), and cant wait to hear more about everything!!! Your doing truly amazing and i cant even express how much i miss you actually every single day but am so happy your doing soooo well!! Your a rockstar!! love youuuuu like crazyyyy!! Good luck to all!  <3 Kiork:)

Posted by: katherine on


Just know that you are truely amazing.  You can do anything that you set your mind to (just like your mom and Nona).  Stay strong and we are all rooting for you and know that when you reach the top we will all be cheering for you!  with love and admiration, Aunt Stacey

Posted by: Stacey on


You have done good so well, have fun.  Do your best and never look down.  Be careful where you step because if you step on a rock with ice on it you can slip down and fall.  I love you and tell Uncle Bill I said hi!



Posted by: Sam on

Sara!! I have no doubt in my mind that your are capable on all levels to tackle this next month and succeed. Remember our talks sista…you know you have this! Miss and love you, T

Posted by: Tara Minnax on

Sara—Great post and always great to hear your perspective.  I know it is hard to stay in the moment and not think about what is ahead of you—I have that challenge every day and I couldn’t imagine it on the endeavor you and your Dad are on!  Know that we love you and are so proud of you!  “Knock that [sucker] off” (sic)—as Sir Edmund would say….

Posted by: Martin on

What an amazing accomplishment to be where you are and where you will soon be!  Myself and many, many others can only imagine what it must be like.  Stay strong and believe and you will succeed. The updates are great.. Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Harry Saxe

Posted by: Harry Saxe on

Sara - You can do this - when I am challenged - I tell myself over and over “Belong, Belong, Belong…” - you belong where you are. Or, I sing Rosa Ti’s favorite song “Wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round…” - just keep it going. On On!

Posted by: Alfred Olivetti on

Bill, Sara: I am amazed and humbled by your courage and feel like I’m living this experience through your descriptions. Just think of how many hundreds of people across the world are constantly thinking of you, praying for you, and sending you congratulations on your awesome achievements. And who would have thought that Base Camp air at 17500 ft would be so rich? Keep strong and safe and remember how much we love you.

Posted by: Grandma / Mom on

hey sara sunshine!  i am thinking of you EVERY day and sending strong positive vibes your way that are full of oxygen and love!  love the updates and especially when you write from your view!  xoxoxoxoxox,lynn

Posted by: Lynn Crow on

Thank you for keeping the updates coming.  YOU are one amazing young woman and many stand in awe and admiration from afar…. really far in fact.  The pictures you all are posting take my breath away so i can only imagine what it must be like in person.  Stay strong and know that everyone here misses you and Bill and wishes you all the best.  Kathy

Posted by: Kathy Bremer on

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