Mt. Everest Expedition: Beautiful Day Here on Mt. Everest
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Categories: Expedition Dispatches Everest

The team woke up at 5am at Camp 1 with everyone feeling good. They need to start early today as the area they will be climbing in, the Western Cwm, will get very hot. With no wind, mile high walls surrounding you, intense solar radiation due to the lack of atmosphere above, you can be in the cooker.
It feels great for a while, but it sure can take a lot of energy from you. The goal will be to climb up to Camp 2 , have a snack, say hi to Lam Babu
and Yubarj ,our two men making the 21,000 ft + high outpost for the team. Then return back to Camp 1 for one more night before returning to Base Camp.
The Blueprint for a successful climb of this peak starts way before you get to the mountain. Training of course, experience....the more the better, then you need a Master Craftsman like our Dave Hahn out here in the field. Every action has a reaction and nobody knows that better than Dave. Right now the team is working on the foundation of this climb. Dave has the time line for this project always in sight. He looks at his plans and knows that if he fails to build to code things can fall apart. The inspector (Mount Everest) can show up on the job site at anytime and you better be ready.
Dave didn't stop at Home Depot to pick up some help, Linden and our team of Sherpa have all gone through a rigorous apprenticeship, and have been
studying under the watchful eye of a Journeyman Everest Guide. We will continue to support our crew with the best tools and equipment out there.
So both you and I can marvel at a job well done.
Till next time,
RMI Guide Mark Tucker
Mt. Everest Base Camp Manager
Comments (7)
Mark, Your updates are very insightful and amusing. Sounds as if you are great at your job and enjoy it. Malamo Pono… Susie
Posted by: Susie Ellison on
Happy birthday uncle Bill! Is it hard going with out menchi’s for 1 month? Hope to see you soon!
Posted by: sophie on
Happy Birthday, Bro! I will set the record straight that you are only 49! Stay strong and be safe! - Bro
Posted by: Martin on
Hopefully you’ll have benn getting our messgaes. We love you and cant wait to talk to you when we retun! Happy, happy birthday!!! xxxooo mo
Posted by: lisa McGahan on
happy 50th, bill. what a birthday to remember… keep safe on your journey.
Posted by: aunt mary on
Happy Birthday Mr. McGahan!! Good luck to you, Sara, and everyone else! All of Westminster is behind you!
Posted by: Matthew Shackelford on
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bill! We love you and miss you and be safe, you too Sara Rose!!!!! xxoo
Posted by: Stacey, Jeff and the boys on