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Mt. Everest Expedition: Up to Camp 1

Our Climbing Team was up early again today with Camp 1 as the goal. It was still a little windy at Base Camp but not as much as yesterday so our climbing Sherpa headed out in front of the group again to set tents at Camp 1. We have a nice spotting scope here at Base Camp that allows me to follow the teams progress for the majority of the climb to Camp 1. It can be a beautiful dance the way you climb in the Khumbu Ice fall or an ugly representation of how not to do it. If I were a judge on Dancing with the Stars our team would be moving into next weeks competition. Dave and Sara were very fluid in there ascent working as the lead team with Linden and Bill right behind. As Expedition Leader Dave Hahn sets the highest standard and expectation possible of his team this making this hazardous endeavor the safest possible. Lots of challenges exist on this push to Camp 1 which we cannot eliminate, but moving with strong technique, knowing the smartest and safest places to take a break and when to push a bit harder and faster will get you to camp in reasonable shape. We want everyone arriving at Camp 1 feeling good and with enough reserve to help your body recover after such a work out. We received a radio call just minutes ago informing us that the climbing team is minutes away from Camp 1. Nice work team! Till next time RMI Guide Mark Tucker

Comments (8)

Happy day before your BIRTHDAY, Bill, at the top of the world (almost). Stay safe and strong. Thinking of you and Sara and your guides and Sherpas all the time. Much love.

Posted by: Mom on

So impressed! stay safe!

Posted by: Hannah Woodward on

congrats on reaching camp 1. so proud. keep safe and enjoy the view….

Posted by: aunt mary on

WAY TO GO!!! So proud!!!!  Stay strong!  xxoo

Posted by: Stacey, Jeff and the boys on

Way to go team!!! Keep a good eye on them Mark.

Posted by: Stephani Krzysik on

Way to go guys!  I just ran across this blog and will be following you to the top from Portland,OR.  Good Luck!

Posted by: John W. on

How wonderful - “minutes away from Camp 1”! Congratulations to everyone! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Much love.

Posted by: Mom / Grandma on

Great job everyone!  Stay safe!

Posted by: Martin on

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