Mt. Everest Expedition: The Next Climb
Sara and I left for this adventure on March 23rd, which seems a long time ago. Since that time we have had many treks and climbs, but it seems that "the next climb" - whatever that is - is the "most important" climb, and the one that will be the hardest and the biggest test. Our climb tomorrow is no different - it is our "most important climb" so far.
Tomorrow we will be climbing from Everest Base Camp (at about 17,500 feet) up to Camp 1 (at nearly 20,000 feet) through the Khumbu Ice fall. The climb through the ice fall would be difficult at sea level, but the altitude makes it much more challenging. Dave Hahn and Linden Mallory (our guides) have spent weeks preparing Sara and me for the climb tomorrow. We have been "coached" on most everything - from what to eat before and during the climb, how to wear all our equipment, how to go across crevasses on ladders, how to use our crampons on vertical ice - I know that there is not a situation we will face that they have not prepared us for.
But I still worry. I hope that my months and months of preparation are enough. And I hope that we have good luck. But if we are strong (and fortunate) enough we should be arriving at the top of the ice fall for 3 nights by mid-day. Then, once we make camp we will spend one of the days climbing up towards Camp 2.
One of the reasons that I climb is that I get to spend time with Sara. And every time I climb with her I come away more and more impressed. She is such a confident young woman - so easy to share her thoughts and feelings, and so easy to laugh. It is great to hear her talk about her friends, her classes, and the sports teams she plays on. I like to hear about all the details about the social situations, but I really love to hear how she thinks about things. The only way I get to hear about these things is to spend time with her - she is like a ship passing in the night at home. I wouldn't even know to ask questions about the things we talk about on these trips. I will treasure the time I have spent with her forever, for I know in two years she is off to college. But I will always have in my memory the months we have spent climbing together.
Thank you for following our blog.
Bill M.
More to Explore
Mt. Rainier Winter Seminar - April 10 - 15
April 18, 2011
Comments (15)
Is your guide any relation to George Mallory? Good luck in your adventure. Hope to see you back on the softball field soon.
Posted by: John Hubbard on
i am reading this the day of your climb. my thoughts and prayers are with you today and always. what a great adventure to share….a true bond. love, aunt mary
Posted by: aunt mary on
Bill/Sara - Good luck to both of you and your entire team on your climb to Camp 1. My 8-year old daughter and I follow your blog each day before she goes to bed. Keep up the blogging, stay safe, and good fortunes.
Posted by: E.Black on
I just wanted to let you know that another Wildcat family is cheering you on. I’ve watched and read everything I can get my hands on about climbing Everest so it’s nice to have someone with a local connection making this incredible journey. Thanks for sharing the experience! Have fun in the Ice Fall tomorrow!
Posted by: Jerald Dotson on
Bill and Sara
I truly look forward to each day’s installment. What a fabulous adventure. I am so excited,amazed (and jealous)of you all. Good luck tomorrow and everyday! All our best, The Jamesons
Posted by: maribeth on
Billy and Sarah - Was in Atlanta and Henry and Lowndes let me know what you guys are up to. You both look great. I doubt I could be more disoriented to what you’ve been doing for the last month or so - what you’re feeling physically, mentally, spiritually. But clearly you’re leaning on each other, as in one of today’s photos. Ellison, our 15-year old and I’ll be following you. I have every confidence you both have it in you!
Posted by: Clegs on
Bill-i love this post.
All the rich detail and honesty…I now have a vivid picture in my mind of you and Sara “pillow talking” beneath the highest mountain in the world.
Thinking and praying for you guys everyday, multiple times a day :)
Lots of Love,
Posted by: Angela Perry on
On On!
Keri, Rosa Ti, and me (from right at sea level)
Posted by: Alfred Olivetti on
Stay strong! We are very proud of all of you! Both of us were winded walking upstairs last night which made us think of you. - M&K
Posted by: Martin and Kasey on
Bill, Sarah and the team,
We send you our love and best wishes for an excellent climb. We look forward to seeing you back in Atlanta and hearing about all of your wonderful adventures in person.
Many blessings.
Kari Wells and family
Posted by: Kari Wells on
We are following this and hoping that your Khumba Ice Fall climb goes well- we know it will! Keep us updated. With love from the Mule’s!!
Posted by: Marian Mule' on
Bill and Sara, (and team)
I am confident that with God on your side… luck is just a byproduct. So I again ask for God’s Mighty hand to go before you to prepare the way and for HIS peace to be within you to guide you. Thank you for the great posts and the amazing pictures.
PS What parent wouldn’t love to have their teenager talking to them about how they really feel: :)
Posted by: Kathy Bremer on
Good luck on the ice fall tomorrow, we’re with you! Go Cats! HG
Posted by: Henry G on
Bill, Sarah & Team. Good luck tomorrow. Will be thinking of you all on tomorrow’s climb. Looking forward to the first blog post from Camp 1.
Posted by: BK on
I am thinking and praying for you! I love your blogs and so enjoy reading all the details. I will be waiting with excitement to read the next… you and sara give each other a big hug from me, lynn
Posted by: Lynn Crow on