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Mt. Everest Expedition: Pumori Icefall Awakens Team

Huge icefall last night off of the nearby peak called Pumori. Named by Mallory in 1921 it means sister or Daughter peak. This mountain is rarely climbed, at over 7,000 meters, it being very steep and with no way to the top without exposing yourself to loads of hanging hazards. A perfectly clear and calm evening turned into a wild scene as I peaked out of my tent after such a rude awakening by the loud crack, as what I can only imagine were millions of tons of ice being pulverized into powder as it hits the rock and ice surface after its 1,500-foot freefall. Being so bright out with so much moon, it was pretty fun to watch this huge dust cloud come barreling at us. Just as it hit my tent I closed the flap and listened to the rattle and knew why in the morning we had this layer of snow covering our camp. Dave, Sara, Bill and myself just returned from a hike up to Pumori Camp 1, which sits at 18,600'. And no, we were not exposing ourselves to the hazards I just mentioned, those are farther up the mountain. What we did expose ourselves to were some of the best views of Everest you can imagine. I will let Dave's pictures do the talking. Linden, who climbed Island Peak this week, just now arrived at Basecamp, so the team is now all here. Cheers, RMI Guide Mark Tucker

Comments (4)

Hi, Bill. I liked your post about how this is giving you time to connect with your daughter, Ms. Ship in the Night, Soon to Grow Up and Away. We went hiking almost every weekend and summer vacation when I was growing up, and as Dave (my “little” brother) can attest to, it is an amazing and wonderful memory, one of the purest and most magical things you can give her—time together. Good luck on your climb! Say hi to David (I know, Dave to everyone else…but—glad you caught his essential Dave-ness. One foot in front of the other—you are in very good hands).

Posted by: Carolyn Hahn on

Love the blog and pictures!!  I’ve read books about Everst but it is amazing to experience through your team.  Bill we need your signature, and I thought it would be great to get it when you are crossing a ladder in the Icefall.  Have a great time and hats off to Sara.

Posted by: Kathy on

Sara and Bill, Katie and the Westminster 7-8thgrade girls Lax team had two BIG victories yesterday!  Katie was AWESOME at goalie. 14-3 Cats vs Inman and 15-5 vs Lovett. Friday night game rescheduled b/c of thunderstorms. All is well in ATL. Thinking of you both and praying for fun days and safe climbing! Nancy for all the Caswell’s (especially Grace!)

Posted by: Nancy Caswell on

The Oelkers family, incl. Westminster students Lillian-2019, Virginia-2016 & Caroline-2014, are enjoying reading your blogs and wish you safe climbing on this adventure of a lifetime! (I particularly enjoyed your April 11th post since that is my birthday!)

Posted by: Galen Oelkers on

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