Mt. Everest Expedition: Team moves to Lobuche
The Everest Climbing team left the village of Pheriche at 13,950' where they have spent the last few nights acclimatizing and are now settling in for the night in their new tea house in Lobuche at 16,175'.
The team is doing well, everyone is feeling good and hiking strong.
Comments (3)
Go for it Bill and Sara! and all your teammates. We love reading of your adventures every day. (Hopefully Sara remembers who I am - friend of Aunt Marie)
Posted by: Amma Jill on
Your in good hands with Linden. I wish I were there too. I just checked the blog, so not sure if you already climbed Island Peak or if it is coming up. Good luck if it is coming up.
Cheers, ~JEN~ from Fort Collins, CO
Posted by: Jennifer Petrik on
Great going everyone! Thinking of you constantly—keep up the good work!
Posted by: Martin on