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Mt. Everest Expedition: Greetings from Deboche

The much celebrated 3G phone service is not so robust down here in the Rhododendron forest at 12,400 ft above sea level, so please pardon the slight lapse in trip coverage as we pass through these benighted zones. All is well with Bill, Sara, Dave and Lam Babu Sherpa. We moved easily up from Namche yesterday, enjoying very light traffic on the trails. We seem to be a few days ahead of most of the big Everest teams and we conveniently flew into Lukla during a brief weather-window that few trekking groups were able to take advantage of, so the end result is that we have this part of the gorgeous Khumbu Valley to ourselves. Conditions have mostly been cool and cloudy, although we've been granted grand views of Everest and Lhotse and Ama Dablam. The temps have been perfect for walking and we took advantage yesterday by cruising up the 1,700 ft Thyangboche Hill in one continuous push. A couple of cool and fizzy drinks out in front of the palatial Thyangboche Monastery and then we completed the day by descending a few hundred feet to Deboche. Last night was an easy one as we enjoyed a fine dinner in a comfy wood-stove heated dining room. The McGahan clan showed each other how to beat the stuffing out of their climbing guide at Yahtzee and then we each turned in for the night... beginning to delight in the loft of our expedition sleeping bags. We'll spend tonight here as well, letting our bodies catch up to the altitude and enjoying a last day (for the next eight weeks) among trees. Best, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (4)

Missing you so much, but looking forwars to many stories and memories.  Take lots of pictures and give stuff away.  We just want you back i one good healthy peice!  I love you so much and cant wait to have you in my arms again!  I miss you touch and your smell!
Always and Forever! Deb

Posted by: Deb McLaughlin on

WOW! Tim you rock!  We’ve been looking at the pictures—what an amazing adventure.  Stay safe, have fun, feel the place, and be prepared to come home and tell us every detail.  We are living the dream, vicariously, through you!  MaryLou

Posted by: MaryLou Bailey on

What a great blog-Tim-so happy for you to be getting this experience-be safe and best of luck to the whole team!!  Stephanie (cousin in NYC)

Posted by: Stephanie on

Glad to hear that all is progressing well.  Advice to Dave and others—steer clear of 1970s baseball/basketball trivia or “name that tune” games—as the McGahan knowledge base is scary-deep in those areas.  Hope everyone continues to feel well!  Always thinking of you guys!

Posted by: Martin on

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