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Mexico:  The Team Arrives in Mexico City

Everyone arrived safe and sound in Mexico City today and checked in to our lovely hotel right in the heart of the second largest city on the planet. Amazing to think that in a few short days we will be high in the alpine, far above the hustle and bustle of this metropolis. This evening our team assembled for the first time and started the process of getting to know our teammates for the week and familiarizing ourselves with the game plan. After our first meeting we took to the streets as a light rain fell and had a great meal at an ornately decorated restaurant just a few blocks away. Well fed, our exit was delayed by an above-average Mariachi band for a few numbers giving us time to adjust and relax into local time. Back at the hotel for a few winks, we will leave the city tomorrow and explore some ancient pyramids on our way to the mountains. Buenas noches from Mexico City, RMI Guides Jake Beren, Eric Frank and Team

Comments (3)

Monica enjoy.  Get ready for Kili.  Talk Jake into guiding us there.

Posted by: Fletch on

Sue and Ct you were mentioned in church in prayer today for a wonderful climb and experience.  Love to you both.

Posted by: Rollie on

Go MOM! CLIMB! CLIMB! CLIMB!  We love you!

Posted by: Libby and Robby on

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