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Kilimanjaro: Climb Ends, Safari Begins

Just finished a wonderful meal at The Dik Dik hotel with the whole team. They all look about the same as when we started the climb, but I believe everyone of them has change in some sense inside. I think a greater self awareness and positive outlook on just how tough and how much they can endure was brought to life over the course of this expedition. Thank goodness for the available hot showers this afternoon it was a nice touch to have them change on the outside. Perfect weather for our 3 hour hike to the end of the trail where we said good by to a fantastic group of local men who helped us with the climb of Kilimanjaro. Couldn't have done it without them. Thanks so much to The Dik Dik Hotel and RMI staff for all they have done. We will start the Safari part of the program tomorrow and I will do my best to keep you in the loop. May it be a short time before this group gets to a new trail head for the start of another great adventure. Cheers, RMI Guide Mark Tucker

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