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Mexico:  The Trip Comes to an End

After a near perfect climb, complete with a very bright full moon and excellent sunrise casting a conical mountain shadow over the plateau below, our team made it safely back to Piedra Grande. There we broke camp and loaded the trucks for our cruise back to Tlachichuca. On our drive down we were able to see our day's work with remarkable clarity. Back in town we got cleaned up and packed before a celebratory dinner at Doctor Reyes' house. Everyone enjoyed a well-deserved rest in the converted factory before one last breakfast in Mexico. Then it was off to Mexico City with views of La Malinche, Ixta and Orizaba along the way. Thanks for a great trip everyone and great job! RMI Guide Jake Beren

Comments (1)

Hey everyone, Great job - You are all awesome!Thanks to Jake for keeping us posted along the way. Safe travels home.

Posted by: Deb on

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