Kilimanjaro: Standing on Top, Uhuru Peak!
Jambo to all.
Well we did it, all the “Tucklings” to the top. We tried to give a call from the summit but I’ll tell you, it was cold and breezy, and a half battery wasn’t enough, the charge wasn’t there. But I’m back down here as well as the rest of the team at our high camp, Barafu at 15,000’.
We are going to toute suite out of here. I’m going to have to start poking a few of them with my ski pole, to keep them moving. But we’ll get another 5,000’ to descend to the Mweka Camp. Pretty easy to crawl into the bag and here and take a nap. But, the old machine may seize up so I'm going keep pushing them along.
Everybody did just fantastic. Of course there were a few issues here and there and people were challenged. Half of them said it was probably the hardest thing they’ve ever done in their life physically. And the other half, you know they were lying. So, all is well. I'll try and get this iPAQ thing working again and do a dispatch once we get down to Mweka Camp. I appreciate you guys all checking in. Cheers from Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak!
RMI Guide Mark Tucker reports on the team's summit day
More to Explore
February 19, 2011
Kilimanjaro: Team at Mweka, Final Camp.
February 20, 2011
Comments (5)
Way to go Steve!!! We are so proud of you! Holly & Marko
Posted by: Holly & Marko Smith on
Conrats everyone, we are so proud of you Bob, talk to you in a few.
Posted by: Jeff Colston on
Way to go Bob, your a beast ! Get down safely and enjoy your time at the beach, you have earned it!
Dennis & Vicki
Posted by: Dennis & Vicki Faulkner on
Yeah Baby!
Great Job All!
We’re proud of You!
Posted by: Rob Evans on
So glad to hear you all made the top safely! Excited to hear your stories!!—vicky
Posted by: Vicky on