Kilimanjaro: Team at High Camp
Jambo, this Mark Tucker calling. The electronic equipment up at this high camp just isn’t as strong and resilient as my climbing team so I’m resorting to this voice dispatch. I will read what I have written that wasn’t able to be sent.
Here at high camp, Barafu 15,000’, perfect climbing conditions today some clouds in and out, a sprinkle here and there. Just finished our lunch and had a group meeting discussing tonight’s summit bid. The whole team did great up to here with some reasonable weather.
At midnight we will start our push to the top. For now it’s packing and resting.
If all goes well, at this time tomorrow we will be nearing our final camp, the Mweka camp which is about 5,000’ lower than where we are right now.
So, we will try again tomorrow with this dispatch machine, maybe it’ll behave a little more.
But for now, we’ve got our fingers crossed and we will talk to you later.
RMI Guide Mark Tucker
RMI Guide Mark Tucker checks in from high camp on Kilimanjaro
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February 19, 2011
Comments (7)
Hi Dad!! Kalvin and I have been enjoying following along with your trip! Hope everyone made it to the top and everyone is feeling good!!
Can’t wait to hear all your stories!!
Posted by: Justine Prieve on
Message to Phillip from Justin: Hi Carl.
Sidenote - did everyone know that Jan’s middle name is Maria? True story!!!
Posted by: Justin Osborne on
Hey Dad, Jan, Philipp, and all your new friends. They almost clicked away from your blog without letting me type, so how could you know that we’re thinking about you lots too. Hope you’re having a good climb. We have wine here waiting for you. As you can imagine, between Mom, Patrick, and I, we pretty much bought out the wine silent auction. Climb, climb!
—Shawn, Patrick, and kiddos
Posted by: Shawn on
Climb, Gary God Damnit, Climb!!!!!
PS - Have you told the group that you and Jan are lovers yet?
Posted by: Justin Osborne on
Gary, Jan, Philipp and Team! We are all watching your climb and praying you make the summit safely!! Good luck!! Excited to hear your stories!! Miss you and love you all!!—vicky
Posted by: vicky vogt on
Hi Dad, Jan and Phillip! We are having a great time at the cold weather wine conference. Hope everything is going smoothly for you! We’re following your adventures online. We’ll save some delicious Minnesota wine for you. Talk to you soon!
Kristin, Justin & Henry
Posted by: Kristin & Justin on
Steve - It’s been great following you and your teamates to the top of Kili: As I send this email you are probably starting your final ascent. God speed to all of you! Can’t wait to see your video! Paul
Posted by: Paul Basta on