Kilimanjaro: New High Point
We set new altitude records for many team members today when reaching 14,750' on Kilimanjaro!
Too often climbers seem to decide how they are going to feel at a certain altitude in advance. Today the team climbed steady and before we knew it we were standing at 14,750' and everyone was feeling great.
From about 13,000' to the high point there was about 4 to 6 inches of snow. We were fortunate to stay dry as we hiked up the Shira Platuea to our new camp at Barranco but once in camp the rains began. The rain has stopped now, we are all in good shape and getting ready for a hot dinner.
RMI Guide Mark Tucker
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February 17, 2011
Comments (1)
Very exciting! A hot meal sounds nice after a day like that. Hope everyone is having fun, staying dry and doing well!
Kristin, Justin and Henry (Vogt) Osborne
Posted by: Kristin Vogt Osborne on