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Aconcagua: Summit!

Hi everybody, who’s been following along. This is Billy, just checking in, we just completed, our summit day and we were able successfully put six climbers on top of Aconcagua this afternoon. We’re all back at camp safe and sound. And we enjoyed a sunny summit and then the weather kinda came in on our descent. And we are sitting in tents right now and it's snowing lightly. But pretty much plans from here on out are to pack up and high tail it out- out to basecamp and then straight back to Mendoza. Everyone sends their love to their family members and loved ones, and especially Richard. Richard wanted me to make a point of saying that he loves his wife very much and that she’s his valentine and that he could not have summitted today without her. And we’ll check in again as things progress and we're headed back home. All right. Take care. Bye bye. RMI Guide Billy Nugent

Billy talks about their summit day.

Comments (5)

Nice job everyone.  I was on Billy’s team last year standing atop Aconcagua, and have been following your progress.  Congratulations!  Now get outta there safely! 

If he isn’t doing his Chicago Superfan routine on your hike out, you are totally missing out.

Posted by: Dan on

Great job guys!  I’m happy for y’all!  Lots of Malbec waiting for you in the city.  Maybe even Basecamp, if you’re as lucky as Team Gabby was.

Posted by: Keith P on

Awesome! Happy to hear that you had a glorious day, standing atop of Aconcagua. Congrats to everyone on the team, especially Rich, you are my valentine too. It’s been very cold here in NH only in the teens but that’s toasty compared to where you are.  Lucky and I are anxiously awaiting for your safe return.  Luv.

Posted by: Kurenai Poisson on

Awesome! Happy to hear that you had a glorious day, standing atop of Aconcagua. Congrats to everyone on the team, especially Rich. You are my valentine too. It’s been very cold, only in the teens here in NH, but that’s toasty compared to where you are.  Lucky and I are anxiously awaiting for your safe return.  Luv.

Posted by: Kurenai Poisson on

Congratulations you guys! This is Lisa that was on the January Aconcagua summit team. I hope that Peter prepares his summit special top ramen dinner for you. It was delicious the next morning, too. Bask in your accomplishment… ya’ll deserve it.

Posted by: Lisa Eidson on

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